Alright. This is a FFVII fic and, well, I don’t own FFVII. Also, it’s an AU and a shounen-ai. This means that it is set in an Alternate Universe and there are male/male relationships. (Sorry for those that already know... but I’m just making sure.) Anyway, it’s a Seph/Cloud, and if you can’t handle that, sucks for you. Oh, and any flames will be used to heat water for Ramen.




A young boy woke up and ruffled his hair a bit. It would not matter anyway—he usually put so much gel in it to make it defy gravity anyway. It was his signature style, and as long as no one messed with it, he’d probably get along with them.


He reached over to shut off his alarm, and as routine, couldn’t find it. He lifted his heavy eyelids to see his alarm...


“HOLY CRAP! I’M LATE!” The boy jumped out of bed as if someone had dropped a fresh cube of ice down his shirt. He threw on his clothes... haphazardly buttoning his shirt, not bothering to fix the collar, pulled on his pants (almost getting his underwear caught in his zipper) and put on his shoes, hobbling out the door still tying the laces of the left one.


He slung his backpack over his shoulder, and, grabbing a slice of toast, darted out the door.


“CLOUD! Slow down!” a short girl ran up to the boy and nearly tackled him.


“Aeris! You’re... you’re choking me! Let go! PLEASE!”


The girl let go and scratched the back of her head nervously. “Sorry.”


“Aeris, how come you’re late today?” Cloud found an ounce of hope. At least he wasn’t alone.


“Oh, no. I don’t have classes until nine.”


Cloud’s face fell. “Oh. Okay. I’ll just... be going now.” He turned around and started to leave.


“Cloud! Wait!”


Cloud wheeled around with a grin.


Aeris fixed his collar. “There! Now go! Don’t you have first period with—“


Cloud’s eyes widened as he remembered and, not even letting Aeris finish her sentence, ran towards the school as if he was trying to escape lava.




“Ms. Sortiere” A hand shot up. “Mr. Strife—“


Cloud suddenly busted through the door, breathing hard.


“You’re late, Mr. Strife.”


“I’m—sorry. Won’t—happen again—sir.”


A grin played upon the man’s face. “Take your seat.”


Cloud was a bit surprised. No detention... no suspension... hell, he was expecting expulsion.


A low voice brushed softly in Cloud’s ear. “You know, he favors you.”


Cloud looked surprised and dropped his voice. “No he doesn’t.”


“Yes. He does!” came the same voice.


“No. He doesn’t!”


“You’re so blind...”




Suddenly, the teacher crushed the chalk he was holding. Cloud could almost see the vein popping in his forehead as the teacher turned around from the long equation he was writing on the board. “Is there... something... you would like to share... Mr. Strife?”


“Uh... no. No thank you, Mr. Sephiroth, sir.”


There was a tick in the teacher—Sephiroth’s eye. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t exactly have a last name. “Well, there must be something that you’re discussing with Ms. Lockheart that is more important than my lesson plan?”




“I’ll see you after school then. Now—“ he turned back to the board and continued.


Another whisper came into Cloud’s ear. “Told you he favored you.”


“What? He just gave me a detention!”


“No. He asked you to see him after school. You know what that means...”


“...You’re sick.”


“Oh come now. He’s not bad looking. In fact, he’s very easy on the eyes.”


“Have you forgotten something?”




“He’s a guy. I’m a guy.”






“Mr. Strife. I’m so glad you could make it.”


“Y—yes sir.”


Sephiroth clacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “So. What exactly were you talking about with Ms. Lockheart? I’m sure it was much more important than what I was teaching.”


“It was nothing.”


“So I expect you not to do it again?”


“Yes. Yes, sir.”


“Alright then. You may leave.”


Cloud couldn’t believe his luck. He started to leave.




Cloud turned back around and let the door slip back into it’s resting place. He walked back over to Sephiroth’s desk. “Yes, sir?”


Sephiroth leaned in close to Cloud, close enough to... Cloud could feel his hot breath brushing gently against his ear. Cloud thought it tickled, and he rather enjoyed it. He closed his eyes and oddly... he could imagine Sephiroth and himself, lying on warm sand in each other’s arms and just... just... looking into the horizon and each other’s eyes... He could hear the ocean’s soft waves running to the shore.


“Cloud, what are you doing?”


Cloud opened his eyes and realized his arms were just about to wrap around Sephiroth’s neck.


“Oh. Sorry.” He put his arms down.


“Like I was saying... I don’t feel comfortable saying this out loud. Could you...?”


Cloud leaned back forward... and expected... expected...


“People are starting to say that I favor you,” he started.


A soft “mmhm” escaped from Cloud’s lips.


“Tell them to start thinking otherwise.”