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Exodus: Blaze's Quest


    Long ago, on a planet far from Terra, life began. The newly created lifeforms began to grow and after thousands of years, they developed powers like magic. With these new powers, great things were achieved, and there were no wars, sickness, or premature death. After many more millenia, the races that dwelt on this far off planet began to develop amazing technology. As the force of technology grew, the power of magic faded as though some kind of strange balance existed between the two. Long ages passed and the technology finally gave these people the ability to travel to the stars. The prosperity once enjoyed was now spoiled by overpopulation and shortage of food and other necessities of life. The governments of the people came to the decision that they must seek a new planet to colonize and relieve the homeworld of the great stresses upon it. A perfect planet was discovered, and those without the means to support themselves were gathered together and brought to this new planet to form a new society.
    This new planet had just endured a global flood and most animal life seemed to have died off. The colonists formed new agrarian communities all over the six habitable continents. Having lost their technology, after many years, they began to rediscover magic. Little did they know, a remnant of a sentient species that called themselves humans had survived this flood and began to spread over the land and came into contact with the settlers. The humans, believing the other races to be native to their planet, and fearing their ability to use magic, accepted them and together they prospered for many thousands of years.
    Soon after the humans began to develop magic abilities of their own, they lost their fear of the alien races and because of the intolerance of humans, began to persecute and ostracize them. Before long, this turned to genocide. The humans wiped out every trace of them from the earth. The memory of these races became nothing but myth and legend in the history of Terra.

    Thousands of years in the future, a horrible global disaster befalls a far away world, throwing the planet back to stone age technology and destroying most of the population. Meanwhile, the humans of Terra gradually developed the ability to travel to the stars with marvelous technologies. Overpopulation, polution and destruction of ecosystems forced them to seek a new planet to colonize, and after searching for years, they finally found the perfect planet and code named it Exodus. They sent a huge fleet of ships to settle there, however, when the tesseract was formed between the space near Terra and the new planet, several of the ships malfunctioned, causing many of them to be destroyed. The rest were thrown through the tesseract which closed after them, and all communication with Terra was lost when all of the ships crash landed on this new planet.
    The humans made the best light of the situation they could, but most of the settlers were killed in the crash and none of the most useful technology was salvageable. The humans then came into contact with the very races they had slaughtered thousands of years in the past. These races sheltered the newcome humans and helped them to survive their first years on Exodus.

    Many more hundreds of years later, the humans lacking a feasible means for written history forgot their origins and became as the indigenous species of Exodus. Their language and terms as well as many customs had been assimilated into the culture of the native races. However, the destructive nature of humans surfaced here as well, and the humans began to form great armies to stage a hostile take over of one of the largest continents of the world, forming a human Empire of great power and oppressing the true heirs to the world of Exodus. Not only have humans taken hold on Exodus, but now, strange looking humans called by the natives "Knights of Shadow" have started appearing as if from nowhere to destroy entire villages, abducting the children and killing the rest.
    It is now nearly two thousand years after humans first landed on Exodus. Where will you stand in the battle against tyranny? Whose side will you take?

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The Exodus: Blaze's Quest roleplaying game is designed and written by Aaron Coventry and David J. Walser. Some portions editted for clarity by Crystal Calhoun. Original artwork by Stephanie Holljes. The World of Exodus is copyright Aaron Coventry, David J. Walser, and Aaron Loveday. "Blaze's Quest" and all original races and characters therein are their intellectual property. © 2002-2003 The Exodus: Blaze's Quest roleplaying game system is copyright Aaron Coventry and David J. Walser. © 2002-2003 Some game concepts contributed by playtesters: Frank S. Mathis, Lawton Pybus, Roneesh Vashisht, Jeff Dill, and Caleb Willis.