The Page of Much Site Newsishness

Yep. The backlog of news. It gets too spammy on the front page otherwise. ph33r. Please note that any links will only be guaranteed to work if the news is fresh, as in the current site news. :P

Oh yeah. I forgot to include this in one news update. I DID eventually get my "pi?" t-shirt from Psyguy's store. ^.^ And it's one of my fave t-shirts. ^.^


No more work being done on the site.
Please wait.
I am recentering myself...
Thank you all. I shall return. Watch my LJ and new Art site.

23rd January 2005

Well, after getting sick of little red Xes all over my news page, and at the bottom of the front page(where a very important message lies. :) ) on my site, I decided to get off my tailend and relink all the little Kaoani. Don't know what a Kaoani is? Why, take a gander at the little image below this news post. ^.~
I'm getting broadband by the way, so I should be able to update a lot quicker, and it'll take less effort. I'll probably screw off too much ANYWAY, but hey, at least I can update in a snap instead of in about an hour's work. -.-;
Soemone's got to keep reminding me to post in my LJ. I keep forgetting it's there. Anyhoo, still working on comics again. I've taken a break from RayalGunn for a while, since I need to get Bit By Bit a lot further. I've been neglecting it way too damned much, and it's getting to the point I'm sick of MYSELF for not updating it. I mean, dammit. I made it to amuse myself, yes, but what's the point of having it on the net if nobody's going to read it, because I don't update?
What this means is, I'm going to need people to start poking me in the eye when I take too long to do comics.... Well? You heard what I said? Start poking, dammit! o.<

23rd November 2004

Damn. I mean... wow. Here I am, with a cordless keyboard. I FINALLY got around to doing a sort of pseudo update (Gomenasai... ;.; ... I'm lazy as hells). More music for you all. You can check it out here whenever you like. All are s3m format of course. I found out that Linux's XMMS also supports s3m files. Niftykeen. n.n Thanks Rycuda!
Anyway. Inspiration took a nosedive, recently, stilltrying to work on Ryc's sprites... Then I can make another comic and be on my way to making the update I promised. :(

14th October 2004

Balls, completely gone. Norton, apparently totally fixed and working just fine now. Number of attacks from remote computers blocked, too many to freakin' count. Shit. Does someone have something against me? o.O
Seriously though, I'm more back on track now. I'm working on more Bit By Bit comics for you guys (FINAFUCKINGLY). I think I'll post at least ten of them in one chunk. I'm working on a new sprite for a cameo, and I really would love to get some help with spriting people ... Please. I'm like... so lagged behind on spriting. I need some help. ;.; ANybody?... please?

26th August 2004

Another non update. The site is still under construction. I have a tarball of the Rayalgunn backend beta, but we can't test it yet, as the sysop for my new site hasn't finsihed dealing with it, and to top it all off, my computer is acting up. SO. I spend £50 on Norton Internet Security. Works fine. Good. Dandy... Three days later, my firewall gets hijacked by some FUCKHEAD Shit for dick who thought it fun to crack my system, disable my firewall, and block my access to it entirely. Thankfully this pencildicked bitch didn't reckon on me having a backup firewall. Reinstalling NIS as we speak. Hopefully it should work. but ... Fuck... I'm burned out. Because my system's bene under attack this entire fucking week, I've not slept. I haven't been able to sleep properly anyway because work's been stressing me too, christmas is coming up, I've got extra hours, I can't take the holiday I wanted to... My creativity's come back, which is great, but my stresslevels have fucking skyrocketed. I'm going to have a fucking breakdown at work if I even TRY to go to work tomorrow. I can't. I just... I just can't right now. I need tomorrow off just so I can take a bath, and fucking SLEEP. I've slept maybe... what... seven hours TOTAL this week so far. just SEVEN. I'm fucking falling apart here. I need to rest. I need to cry or just... shut myself off for a while. ... I need to recharge. I'm just fucked right now. Really I am... I did have another Rayalgunn preview but I can't be arsed to upload and post it. so... you'll have to wait until whenever it is I next update or whatever bullshit that I decide to pull... Everyone... I'm sorry. I really am. I'm just... really messed up right now. Oh yeah... The balls are gone too. They were beginning to piss me off.

28th June 2004

No actual update right now. Just a news brief. Going to a meeting of Keep-buddies this weekend. Which we've affectionately called UluruCon. So I might not be around. In other news, Rycuda's worked extensively on the code. All I need now is a site to host RayalGunn on relaly. And we can start 'beta' testing it for bugs and shtuff. In celebration, Another RayalGunn 'poster'!...

17th June 2004

Whoo. An actual update! Yep. That's right. Five new songs to the list I've made, and uploaded to this site. Check under odd stuff, and s3m songs for the files. They run under Winamp as far as I know... If not, seek out Inertia Player, or some kind of Windows Module player, which is compatable with Future Crew's Screamtracker 3 .S3M format. Enjoy. ^.^ Oh yes. More RayalGunn teasing!

12th June 2004

Oh gods I suck... I can't get any inspiration together to do Bit By Bit OR RayalGunn. Although I've had somed ideas for future episodes... And as a plus note I have someone who's possibly willing to do the site building for RayalGunn. So hopefulyl soon we'll have it set up. I think once that's done I'll be able to start workin' on it again. Problem being though, I've lost all my cool fonts so I'm going to have to reinstall them again. I also have a new computer, so updating's gonna be a lot better. Anyway! New RayalGunn advert!

22nd May 2004

Hmn. Well, I'm back. I'm in England, but online... And I have a little treat for you. I'm up to episode 52 on Bit By Bit now, and as soon as I can get my tailend in gear, You'll be Treated to my NEW endeavour, RayalGunn Experimental Comics!!! WHEE!! Just to prove it to you, here's a preview. :)

16th Feburary 2004

Well, another stay in America has flown by... Sucks balls that I have to leave again, but at least the next time I come back, I'll be able to stay here permanently. I'll have my Visa. ^.^ And while I'm in the UK, I'm going to get my own connection in my room again so I can bloody well stay in fucking TOUCH with my friends and fiancee! @.@; As another note, I have a LiveJournal now. I haven't set a link for it here yet, but head to to see it.

31st December 2003

Just a little message to say it's almost time to ring in the new year. 2004 already! Coolness, ne? ^.^ To think, just a few years ago this site was hosted (and very badly written) on my university's server, and had little more than a page of links. *giggles* Now it's got a trippy DHTML elastic string effect, and apparently has some sort of fandom. I'm impressed it's even gotten this far. I hope I'll be able to keep this site going for a long time to come now. It's fun having my own website to host stuff on. ^.^ Happy New Friggin' Year!

17th Feburary 2003

Welph, the last update I'll probably make for a LOOOONG time (Yes I know I've said this a lot. But this time I mean it). I've decided to make a complete backup for now and just let the site deal with itself. It may disappear. It may not, but it WILL be back no matter what happens. I'm not going to disappear forever. I have fans of my comic (Yes, I'm very loyal to the minute fraction of people who actually do think my crap is worth reading. ^.^; ) which I don't want to lose, and I'm having FAR too much fun actually writing Bit By Bit to let it die. For another reason, I also need to upload all my NEW and IMPROVED actualAnimeAbility ART! :D WHEEE!! ^.^ *parties the night away* Sayonara! I bid you all a good night. May Inari guard you all. *smewches and snuggles to you all* ^.^

27th November 2002

Despite continuing lack of real access, I managed to add some more stuff to my site. Just three Bit By Bit comics though. Up to episode 33 now. ^.^; Sorry there aren't more but I've been working on other things, such as my Handdrawn comic, "Fur-Mily Life", and a story that's really caught me by the balls. I LOVE writing it. It's just so much fun to do. ^.^ Just about three more days until Sara arrives too! O.O *nervous as all hell, but still bouncing happily* ^.^;

27th October 2002

Well... FUCK. >.<* First Net access goes down at my Dad's office, and then both AIM and Telnet access goes completely down. Until the new office is built, the server can't be replaced, and that will take at least two weeks. Once again I'm stuck without regular access to the net. Most I can make is a weekly 2 hour slot (If even THAT) just to check e-mail and make sure my site's not deleted. >.<* Yeah, I'm pissed off alright. No real update this time. Just so anybody who actually visits my site knows, I probably won't be around. On much better news, Sara's gonna be here soon. ^.^ *happi bouncies*

2nd September 2002

Hehe... I can't believe my Kaoani are still working. ^.^ Aaanyway. LOADS more S3Ms up for grabs, and the lyrics to Fighting Back too, the cast page for my comic's updated about halfway, and the quotes page is up and running under odd stuff. Names for IMs have been changed/truncated of course to protect the spam resistant. :) Enjoy the new stuff. ^.^ (Update: New Comic too. Number 29!... And my counter is fucked. o.O )

24th August 2002

Still not dead. Got a job, ish... Sorta. A month of office work. *shrug.* It's money, I guess. Still no solid net connection. I was going to upload more than just five new comics, but I couldn't make any more, and I forgot to bring along the two new songs I had. Ah well. :P Enjoy what's here for a while. I'll see you a while later.

13th July 2002

"Ah'm not dead!" - Yep. Mid holiday and work-less update. I'm not really back yet, but pretty close. Three new Bit By Bit comics, and the 8th rant. :) I'ev also worked on a handdrawn comic, called Fur-Mily Life for my own benefit and something to do, and I'm probably going to scan my Alien Concepts comic too... because that's easy to draw. ^.^ And yeah. I'm safe, sane and still alive. So is Wolfblade. But pleeeease. Don't send me stuff. My e-mail gets MUCHO clogged! O.o;

8th June 2002

Welp, last update before I go home and lose almost all my net connection abilities for a month. This is just really to keep my account open, and note to everybody who comes here (Yes. The small, tiny fandom I do have. o.o;) that I have left my e-mail in the hands of a trusted friend. So don't expect me to actually respond. I will respond if I can. But for now, I guess, this is goodbye... Don't worry. I'll return soon when I get my own phoneline and ISP, and I'll return with new comics, odd stuff, a rant or two maybe... Who knows? Maybe I'll even manage to figure out the robit stuff. Have fun, everyone! ^.^~<3

19th May 2002

Bah-dahn, bah-dahn, Bah-dada-DUUUUHN!!! :D Muuuusic (but not of my groin. :) )!! That's right! Head to the "Odd Stuff" section NOW, and click the new link to download the tunes I made!! :D ... By the way, I still need help with this site, so please if you can find time to DL my tunes, try and help if you can as well? Pleeease? Arigato... ^.^;;

17th May 2002

Mff... Still no t-shirt from Psyguy's store. Damned lack of a proper credit card. -.-* Still. Another new comic (this one might not be suitable for younger viewers....... But hell. What the heck are younger viewers doing on this site anyway? It's not supposed to be PG-13. On another note, I also need a whole bunch of HELP for this site. So if you think you can help me, please click this link right here. I don't really even need that much help. Perhaps just a pointer or two, or some link where I can get what I need for free. And it won't take that much of your time I'm sure. So... please?... Help me?

13th May 2002

Many of you already knew I was going to be gone for three days (from the 10th to the 12th), but for those who weren't around for me to tell, or who I accidentally forgot to tell *flinches and ducks incoming thrown objects* Sorry!! Really I am! I didn't mean to forget yooou!... As a way of apology here's two new Bit By Bit pages. ^.^;; [UPDATE]: Oh yeah. I also unlocked the fan comic I did for Psyguy's That's My Sonic (which he either didn't post up, or hasn't gotten around to yet) and let you guys and gals and hermaphrodites and asexual type peeps view it. He probably din' post it up because I used his old sprites rather than the new advance ones, but hey. No big. :)

27th April 2002

Hrm. Well, I need help with the HTML for the Robit Adoptions bit. I need help like... BAD for it. However there's a new comic. And I produced a That's My Sonic! fan comic too. It's been sent to Psycho of Dirty Power so he can look over it and decide whether or not it's any good. Lets hope it gets posted, hm? :)

19th April 2002

I have for you... Not just one... Not just TWO... But THREE new Bit By Bit comics! :D All done on the same day too. I got inspired. ^.^; Hope that makes up for the uber long waits people have had to go through to view them. ^.^; The Adoption thing is nearly complete. I just have to complete the graphics for all the Robit colours, and bam. They'll be uploaded and online. :D

16th April 2002

Thirteenth Bit By Bit comic is up now. Yes. It is the beginning of an actual plot. Maybe the world is about to end. O.o Seriously. I did some tinkering behind the scenes here at Wolfblade, and messed around a bit with the organisation again. I really should work on the character bios. But it's hard getting the motivation together. As for the Robit Center, Sara and myself already taking steps to allow adoption for websites. She's doing the art, I'm doing the CGing and website stuff. ^.^ Keep checking back. I'll have them all up and ready soon :D

13th April 2002

Yay for the Robit Centre, which is finally open! Go view it. ^.^ And feel free to submit drawings of robits, or suggest new robit colours and powers. :D Oh yeah. Odd nifty elastic string DHTML doobriewhatsit too. Should work with all browsers from IE4 and NS4 onwards. :P Courtesy of New rant too. :) Er... Oh yeah. Forgot to mention the addition of the 12th comic. Or something. Yeah... Blah blah blah, whatfuckin'ever. :P

9th April 2002

Some of you may have noticed the lack of 1st April joke on my site. Wanna know why? Because I don't DO 1st April jokes. And I tend to get very mean when people play them on me. It's a survival habit. Learned from school. Nowadays, people know better than to prank me on April Fools day. Because I get vicious. *sweet little innocent grin... with fangs* ANYWAY! Three new bits of RustyArt uploaded to FnarkART (linked below under ART. Duh. :P), and a new comic! Yes. No joke. :) I guess I'm finally back on track. But seriously. There's a very, very good reason as to why there was no comic for a long time. View the new one to find out why. In other news, it's fucking cold in my flat. So cold I could see my own breath! O.o; And man to I ever need to get a drink or something. I don't drink alcohol all that much, but I'm craving whiskey for some reason. O.o Oh yes. And the Robit Centre will be opening soon. Have fun. :)

1st April 2002

Welp. There we go. New comics page is up and running. Slightly easier to update for me and it looks SO much niftier! ^.^ In other news, my inspiration has run flat so there's no new comics for a while until I get my groove back, there's a new (really quite short) rant in the rants section, it's "Easter" already, I drew something worthwhile a while ago, and I haven't been sleeping all that good recently so I've missed my girlfriend terribly. *sighs* Oh yeah. And I'm thinking of getting a live journal thingy. Dunno why. c.c Anyway. That's all f'now. Enjoy. And dammit people send me stuff already. :P Like, one-off sprite comic pages, or odd shit and stuff. ;P [Update]: She just logged on after I made this update. WHEE! ^.^

27th March 2002

M'yes. No real update. It's behind the scenes. Expect the opening of two main features soon. The Robit Center, and The Comic getting its own page with a NIFTY new design. :) Art's being reuploaded to my 50megs site too, which will later be moved to another site. Yadayadayada. Etc. :)

18th March 2002

Another sprite comic. The tenth strip! Whee!!... Heh. I got a lot of positive feedback on my l'il Forte x Blues pairing in the comic, so I guess I'll keep those two together. n.n I just made those three parts as a bit of a filler, but I might include them again later. Anyway. I gotsta do some stuff, like do some nifty Kitsune Stuff. Soo... bai! ^.^

12th March 2002

Hahsquishkabibblies! MOOO! Flurble MEEPLE squiggle PLIB!... Mwahahah!! PANCAKE!... Ahem. Yes. Now I have my rampant inanity out of the way, I now have (finally) two new Bit By Bit's. Go check epsiodes 8 and 9 under odd stuff. W-heeee... c.c

28th February 2002

Minor Update... DMFA is back!!! yep! Go check the link page for the spiffy new banner link! :D Oh yeah. New comic strip! Go see oddstuff as usual. Bai!

26th February 2002

Going to have to get another server for my Art site. Angelfire seems fairly promising, but it's just slightly too fiddly for my liking, large images don't load right sometimes, and the adbanners are always a pain. Ah well. Eventually I'll get my own site. Anyway! New comic (sorta a special edition now that my comp's not spazzing out so much). New oddstuff too. Although most people have seen it. :) A hilarious show of the idiocy that frequents the keep. Oh the ridicule. If only XP knew how much of a "celebrity" he had become on the keep... *giggles* ... CIA Bag... *snortsnicker* XD

18th February 2002

Blegh. My art site was deleted. are FORCING people to pay for their bloody e-mail now. On the plus side, I have a new comic (finally) which I appear in, and I have a new rant. The new comic's not too funny though. *shrugs* Live with it. Anyway. Thats it for this update. I really can't be arsed to write much. My inspiration is utterly shot right now.

??th February 2002

*rubs the back of his head* Welp... So much for submitted rants. The authors of them requested that I take them both down. Ah well. Comp's still utterly screwed. I can't even access MS paintbrush now. Which is really really beginning to piss me off. I swear. Maybe it'd just be easier for me to abduct Bill Gates (and his team of "professional" engineers etc) and MAKE him fix my computer himself. :P Beth's submitting another soon anyway. All's good I suppose. Still waiting for my Author sprite sheet back from Eiji, but he should be done with it soon. Not that it matters while I can't even start on a comic. -.-;; Someone help me. I have a computer that's possessed and more inspiration than I can take! O.o; (Oh. Sub note. I finally fixed the link for the Art button. You really can check out my art site now. -.-;; )

18th February 2002

Well, a few things. My computer's fucked, so I can't do a thing with it. I tried making a small gap-filler comic but that turned out impossible due to the severe instability of my system. On a plus note, my Megaman kick has taken off fairly well. To the point of allowing me to draw something at least half decent. Here's my site for my Megaman fan RP community thing I'm trying to set up outta boredom: Reploid Continuum. I drew all the art on that site. I'm rather proud of Rail-Gunn, even if he does look a bit odd. ^.^; Further more, this site finally has a submitted Rant. Two in fact. Go check em out. As for myself? I need to draw more. I'm planning on redrawing an ooold comic of mine an' gettin' it scanned. Whoopie. ^.^ But boy do I need a drink right now. o.<;;

12th February 2002

Still no sprite comic again. I'm working on my author sprite. And until that's done, I can't make the next lot of comics. They'll come in a rather large heap though. n.n; Oh yes. I'm accepting submissions for odd stuff such as funny logs, or snippets of fun stuff for my site. Nothing too large thanks. There is a 200KB filesize upload limit. (meaning I can't upload any single file that's over 200KB. Duh. :P ). Oh. And I'm pondering getting a subscription to Smoochies MAX. Mmm... Yaoi. Yummy. ^.^ On another odd note, my sleeping pattern's uttedly screwed up. I had to force myself to sleep 8 hours last night. Even after near collapsing on my bed after only being able to sleep 3 hours the night before and passing out at the comp. O.o;

7th February 2002

Gettin' back inta the swing of updates again I reckon. ^.^; Added two more fight scene RP logs to Odd Stuff. Still not made the new server for the comics yet. No real time to build the HTML for it and I can't be arsed to deal with frames just yet. Still, it'll come along. No comic today. Was outta inspiration. However, on a biiig plus note, I got over a down patch yesterday thanks to some close friends ( *hugs and kisses both Tony and Jerimiah* Thank you both so very much ), I helped out a friend in need ( *snugs and cuddles to Richard too* You know I love you too man. Please be well ) And I finally got a good night's sleep. Dreamed of my lover too. ^.^ *mrrs and bounces around* Sara makes me so happy. Can you tell? ^.^
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Lotsa hearts to you, my 'Coon Angel <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

5th February 2002

Oh HELLS yeah! Finally! Another sprite comic! TWO in fact now! AND I've given it a name! Ladies and gentlemen, I direct your attention to the Odd button, and the sprite comic formally known as "SpriteComicTest"... "Bit by Bit"! Yes, KitsuneFury is my other alias. I'm thinking about hosting the comic on another 9CY site (100megs... Yummyscrumptious!).
Psy? It's about time I gave you credit. Yes, I used your sprite sheets, and yes, here is credit, and a link, because you rock. SO much. If it weren't for you and Tyson Heese, I would never have gotten into Sprite Comics. That and I actually have discovered that despite my goofball sense of humour that people will probably get tired of, very quick, I like making sprite comics. It's something fun for me to do, I guess. :) Anyway! Here's the link! --> GO HERE!! <-- You'd better f**kin' check his site out! Or you'll face the wrath of the 'Mallow!!

7th January 2002

Aaah. Back again. No updates yet. But there's a few problems. Namely the fact I'm half broke, I have little inspiration to write anything, and the CD I was waiting on for so long was wrecked when I got it. Meaning no carmagedden, no cracked version of PSP7, no Direct X8, no GTA editing tools... Basically, I'm screwed still for Comic ideas, although I might pull together a slightly crappy MicroShaft Pain-T comic if I can be arsed. -.-;; Gah. I want PSP back. This bites. Oh well. At least I'm back now.

16th December 2001 - 6th January 2002

I'm ringing in the new year, by..... Being offline and working. Whooptyfuckin'doo. o.o; Ah well. Until I'm back, Keep sending stuff if you are. The site will still be up. Just no updated while I'm offline. Laters. ^.^;

13th December 2001:

Proper JScript implemented doobriewhatsit for the buttons won't be integrated just yet. I have no graphical programs I can use to make the right things. This ALSO means I can't continue with the comic until I get a crack for PSP7, or some other free graphix proggie that does layers and is simple to use. Which sucks really. Photoshop'd be nice I guess, but I have no cash. :P Oh. And new log to Odd Stuff. If anybody wants to submit shit to this site or the art site, upload it somewhere if it's graphical, or large, and e-mail me the description and location of it to THIS E-mail. If it's just text, send it in its entirety to the same addy. Ta! ^.^

Some news was accidentally deleted here. :P

22th November 2001:

Looks like WebRPG's down for a bit again. No big. Site's undergone a reorganisation somewhat. You can now access the main parts of the site from the index. Much Bweeness. And for once I'm not falling asleep at my comp as I write this. o.0

18th November 2001:

Happyhappyhappy dance! The Keep, Furnation, and Anime Turnpike are ALL back!! *DANCES!!* WHOO!! ^.^ Just so you know, the Anime Turnpike's at, the Keep is at and Furnation is at Enjoy! ^.^

10th November 2001:

Well... The truth is out there, obviously. Without ANY warning, the Anime Turnpike suddenly closed down just a day or so after I got Trixie on my page. Now when you try and go there, the American Cancer Society has the address. Secondly, the Keep is down. No. Wait. All of is down. If that follows the same process as the Anime Turnpike I'm going to be very, very POed indeed. Thirdly, although a lot of the Internet community might know this already, you might want to read this... Yeah. This link right here. ... If you don't know already, you'll understand after reading that, why Sibe is one of the most hated persons online right now. I hope someone brings him to justice. The Furry Fandom must live on!

8th October 2001:

Very minor update. Fixed the date on the last update news. Guestbook looks cleaner. Added the most moronic poll in existance, And Trixie Turnpike now lives on my page. Heee. n.n;; Future plans include actually having something USEFUL on this page, such as real news, and mebbie some DLable shite, better looking stuff, and some decent backgrounds. Oh yeah. And I'm gonna get around to writing up my char list eventually. Sheesh. I've not updated that in a whole year. o.O On another note, I'm sleep deprived. *passes out on the desk and begins snoring* _._ zzzzzz...

26th September 2001:

Holy CRAP I've been away too long... -.-; Three months from all this and I never updated my page. Gah. =P Ah well. The Keep's changed, so my access page doesn't work anymore, I lost all the stories I had, but I'm starting afresh, and DMFA is officially dead *sob*... Still, I'm now with my girlfriend and Mate, Sara (Yay!), I've discovered a few things about myself I never really knew (Double Yay!!), and I have some new stuff; namely pics of me, and a whole page of bishounen I've caught. They're under Odd Stuff. Go see! ^.^ *giggle*

17th March 2001:

Got a wonderful friend to help me lay out the page better... ^.^ Thanks Delila! I owe ya one big time. :)

14th March 2001:

Added some flashy new buttons. =) The roll-over effect needs JavaScript though

13th March 2001:

Erk... It's been AGES since my last (real) update, I know. ;P Damn. I procrastinate too much. Anyway. Added to this, is the Odd Stuff page, the Keep Login Page, another rant (on the Odd Stuff page), the corrected details of my fursona (I'm now Rusty Snowfox. I couldn't get away with being an "OOC" Porn Star as my wolf fursona, and my new fursona fitted better anyway. :) ) along with some new pics (check the details of myself. :) ), and also the Character's page is changed so it only links those chars I have bios for. Not all of my chars are up there yet though.. =P Ah well. Enjoy! ^.^

17th Jan 2001:

Right. My FIRST major update. This is the first step of where the site goes from being a cruddy little version of my University site, to being my fully fledged, working with all bells and whistles site. =) More updates coming soon. ^.^