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The one and only site by the one and only weego herself!!!!
Monday, 7 August 2006
Wow. 2004 was a long time ago.
Mood:  quizzical
It has indeed been a long time since I've done anything with this site. It's kind of sad. I used to have some big plans for this thing. Now it's used for, well, nothing. I'm only posting now because I was looking for a place that no one reads and I can't think without prodding eyes. I'm pretty sure no one looks at this anymore. I mean I haven't in years.

So, what could it be that I wouldn't want others to see so I posted it on here? Well my thoughts about the future I suppose. I guess I don't really mind people reading or knowing about them, but when I think about the future or things I tend to say lots of things and some of those things I don't mean. I say stuff just to get it out of my head, even if I don't believe in it. I guess I probably should have just taken this to writing in my personal diary, but that cramps up my hand far too fast. Plus, I type much faster than I do write by hand.

Now for some thoughts:

What do I want to do with my life? Where do I want to be in 10 years? What do I want for a job in the future? What should my major be? Am I doing the right thing? Do I think too much?

Well for the first question and basically most of the others. I really have no idea what I want to do with my life. I'm currently a theatre major, but I'm not sure that is what I want to do with my life. I mean I really do enjoy the theatre life, but I also enjoy writing and taking pictures with my camera. Is there a way I can combine those things into one? I'm mean I'm 19. Time is dwindling away around me and I haven't the slightest where I want to go with my life.

I know God has a plan for me, but it'd be nice to know what it is. I don't think I'm cut out to be a pastor. I'm in no way against sharing God's love and word with others, but I haven't the knowledge or the personal confidence to stand in front of a group of people and preach. Being a pastor isn't the only way to spread God's word and love. I can do it in my everyday life.

So what should I do? What happens if I discover I want to do something but my college doesn't offer it? That would suck majorly. I love my college and if I found out that it doesn't offer what I want to do I'd be devastated.

Ack! I have so much on my mind and no answers for any of it. Someone force me to talk about this. Please. My older brother tried to get me to think about it, but I just bottled up and didn't answer him. I mean why can't I just discuss this with people? I know, it's because I'm scared. Scared that I won't like what I figure out. Part of me doesn't want to figure this out and the other is begging to know. Every time it comes up in conversations I try and change the subject as quick as possible. I just...ugh..I need something. I don't know what, but I do.

All of this talk is depressing and makes my head hurt. I need to talk about it though. I just hope and pray for someone to beat this out of me and get me to talk about this. I'm going to do some research about combining theatre, writing, and photography.

Posted by anime5/weego at 1:07 AM MDT
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Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Mood:  silly
Its my bestest friend's birthday today and I'm dedicating this hole day to her! With this dedication I also am dedicating the new link! Yay!

I gave you a hint as to what this new link in the post before but just to refresh your memory the hint was KOL. KOL stands for...*drum roll* Kingdom Of Loathing!!! Sounds exciting doesn't it?! Well its a game were you get to have a character and choose you occupation and such. I haven't really played on my account much to know much on this so your just going to have to play it for yourself. I'll put a link for it in this post along with in the side panel thingy jigger.


Well now I must go finish all my other junk I had planned for tonight. Enjoy KOL.

~weego ^_^

Posted by anime5/weego at 9:22 PM MDT
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Monday, 27 September 2004
Mood:  d'oh
Gasp! How do I always forget to post on this thing! I'm such a bad person T_T...don't hate meh... At least I remembered now instead of years later... I haven't got much to say tonight because I came totally unprepared on what to rant about. So i'll just add a link! Wee linkage!

The link I'm adding tonight is Nation States *plays weird theme music that extremely clash with her effort to make it exciting* (note to self, fire sound technitian) Nation States is a website in which you can own you own nation! You get to decide its name, flag, currency, and much much more! Also you get to decide on what you government will allow you people to do, such as; my nation supports graffiti across our cities because I think its art. I find this website very entertaining myself but I do sorta like politics and that crap...but not to the extent of obsessed with politics...I just enjoy making my nation's people misearablly happy. :P I hope you'll find entertainment out of the site as I have.

Nation States

Also I'm going to be adding in a link to my journal on gaia for the purpose of im not afraid to show what I have wrote in it because i've only posted twice in my journal XD...I only started yesterday :P. If you wish to comment on my journal you can, but you'll most likely need to join Gaia first :P (I'm like an unaffical spokes person for every site I love...) Some people use blogs like these as journals but nah I use mine to please the masses that read my blog...which is like none... XD but im ok with that! This way I never loose any of these links because they are saved here.

My Journal

Well coming up in whenever I get back to this site I allready have some new linkage for you all! Here is a sneak preview of what it will be, KOL. That is all I can tell you. My friends will most likely know what that means but anyone else...most likely not...

I'm going to run off and do crap online now...which is most likely dink around with this site some more and then go to bed... So good night and enjoy my new links.


P.S. Also enjoy this picture I made myself (as in took the picture and edited) It makes you ask yourself...What is in your soda?

Posted by anime5/weego at 9:46 PM MDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 September 2004 8:26 PM MDT
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Monday, 23 August 2004
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
I forgot all about this place...Well now that i remember you get to hear my rath again! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Any who. Why is it i seem to be posting "Im Back" posts most of the time? ...I must be terrible at keeping a commitment, not wait I just forget things easily...what was i talking about again?

I have found many new sites in which i will be adding to the link list sooner or later. I must try and keep this page going...must try...I don't know if i can do it with my Senior starting next week >.<'. Maybe I can do it during a computer class i might be taking next year depending on how screwed up my scheduale is.

One of the links I shall be giving this site the honor of linking to is Gaia Online. LOVE IT! You get to designed your own character and chat with others using forums. You get gold by posting and refreshing the page and going around the site. The clothing they have for your character are a wide array of items to suit your needs. This is probably the closest i'll ever get to my goal of a free online rpg. If your curious as to what my character looks like on gaia just look up the author weego. lol yup im weego everywhere!

Another site i'll be adding is This site roxs my soxs also. You get to have characters that are like pets. They are far better looking than neopets. You can get orbs to change what they look like. Such as my Kangur which is now a Wind-Kangur.

Isn't she pretty ^_^. Here name is Utsukushii. There are other choices for pets but I really like Kangurs.

This is Kheleksii. He is an Earth-Kangur.

Ok enough with that obsession with Kangurs. And now that i see that i can post pictures finally i'll show you what my gaia character looks like also! weehoo!

Well I should get going to work on adding these links and fiddling with the site and such. I'll try to post at least once a week...I don't think that will be to hard to handle...right?...


(P.S. Glad to be back ^_^)(Hold your mouse over my avi's character to get a special feature!)

Posted by anime5/weego at 8:29 PM MDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 August 2004 8:18 PM MDT
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Saturday, 27 March 2004
You know what i realized? I'm a lazy ass when it comes to posting on this. Yes its true, i admit it. Im a lazy ass, but that isn't anything new. Im only here to find new links and rant about crap, which is what i shall do.

I wish to rant about my older brother at this moment. He dumped everything on my computer so i lost all my music, files and that sort of stuff. Im pissed but i'll get over it.

Next to rant upon at my own will is not a rant at all!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHA *cough* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I found a funny little thingy with 8 bit theatre and D&D. I shall be putting it upon my site. I'm watching it right now and im laughing my ass off XD. Infact my laughter is imparing my will to type this...just give me a few seconds to regain my composure.....aaaahhhh much better now. So yah you can watch that and laugh or not, but don't feel like im making fun of D&D players because my boyfriend is one and love him very much. so :P

Anywho yah i'll add that link and stuff....i kinda got side tracked while typing this so i lost trian of thought. ooooh well. Enjoy the link.


Posted by anime5/weego at 4:40 PM MST
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Sunday, 21 March 2004
IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Woah, i haven't messed with this site for like...ever... It is about time I came back and did something with it for a change. You should feel special that i came back at this time and not later because i have a cold right now and i feel like crap, but i decided i really needed to get back to posting on you everyday like i used to...i missed you all...if there is anyone who actually reads this that is...

Well while i was gone i actually found a free online RPG. I shall be putting the link to that site on here. Its a game you can play and play and play but some of the battles are the same because the game isn't finished yet. If you want some of the extra perks you can become a gaurdian by only paying 12 once and you get any of the new stuff in the gaurdian tower. I myself would love to be a gaurdian and get some of the neat crap they get but my mom wont let me pay the 12 dollars...oh well ill survive.

On the game you can have a pet to fight beside you. Right this very moment i have a Trobble fighting next to me...which is like a ball of fur with legs...I was fighting with a dark wolf earliar but i wanted to fight with my fuzzy Trobble.

This game's grafics during fights are kinda of repeatative but keeps you entertained for hours. You smend alot of your time fighting to get leveled up and doing quests for people. I give the game, which names is "Adventure Quest" an 8 out of 10 because i could be improved. Oh and at the beginning you don't have to keep the face you first choose after you get enough gold from fighting you can change it.

Hope you enjoy the game! I'm Glad to be back and actually paying attention once again...because now i actually time to do this unlike before.


Posted by anime5/weego at 3:53 PM MST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 August 2004 7:19 PM MDT
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Friday, 30 January 2004
A quiz scale thingy majigger!
The other day i was reading a magazine that i've never picked up to read before in my life. (it was Time) I was flipping through obviously bored and saw a quiz entitled "The Passionate Love Scale". Me being bored took it just to see what it was all about. I was a quiz to see how much in love you are or if you are. I figured why not let other people take it to with out haveing to open this hideous magazine (that is enless you actually read it). So i decided im gonna put it on my site! YaY! Here it goes, from now on is the magazine talking enless i add something in with () which i probably will:

Think of the person you love most passionately right now. If you are not in love, think of the last person you loved. If you have never been in love, think of the person you came closest to caring for in that way. Try to describe the way you felt when you feelings were most intense.

Answers range from:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Not at all moderatly definitely
true true true

(fill in the blanks with the number that describes the situation. For example: You felt pure enjoyment when so-and-so hugged you? you'd put a high number if its true and a low number if it isn't)

1. I would feel deep despair if (add name of special other here) left me.

2. Sometimes I feel I can't control my thoughts; they are obsessively about (for the sake of this quiz were gonna put him/her everytime they mention a name from now on, ok?).

3. I feel happy when i am doing something to make him/her happy.

4. I would rather be with him/her than anyone else.

5. I'd get jealous if i thought him/her wer falling in love with someone else.

6. I yearn to know all about him/her

7. I want him/her physically, emotionally, and mentally.

8. I have an endless appetite for affection from him/her.

9. For me, him/her is the perfect romantic partner.

10. I sense my body responding when him/her touches me.

11. Him/her always seems to be on my mind.

12. I want him/her to know me -- my thoughts, my fears, and my hopes.

13. I eagerly look for signs indicating his/her's desire for me.

14. I possess a powerful attraction for him/her.

15. I get extremely depressed when things don't go right in my relationship with him/her.

Now that you have finished add up your score.
106-135 points = Wildly, even recklessly in love
86-105 points = Passionate, but less intense
66-85 points = Occasional bursts of passion
45-65 points = Tepid, infrequent passion
15-44 points = No thrill, never was


Now that you have taken this quiz you know how you feel and such, or you know nothing new. I bet no one can guess what i got on this quiz. If you can then guess and tell me what you guess.


(P.S. my parents are ***holes. ^_^ night )

Posted by anime5/weego at 10:35 PM MST
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Thursday, 29 January 2004
I'm Back!!!!! I would have posted sooner but I was feeling exchausted after that weekend extravagansa (is that spelled right). But im back now. Well for the time being, until my next exscape from my parental units. For example when i go to youth quake. (christian rock thingy in canada) Or when i go to the youth conference. (keyclub shit)

But i am now back to fill you will crap i wanna rant about! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And tonight my wee smazdarfs i shall fill you with:


Yes people you will get to know how to act like my dog with only 10! steps! Only for the low low payment of reading this!

1. First thing you must do is be an extremely ugly/cute dog that is stupid yet smart at the same time. Got that?

2. Ok moving on. When you go come back inside from being outside going to the bathroom in the cold you must run up and down the hallway as fast as you can until you pass out. Do not ask me why my dog does this she just does it everytime.

3. When you wish to go about taking a nap you must sleep on the top of the couch, right where people put their heads when they sit down.

4. If you can't get past people to the top of the couch you must sleep on the floor with you back legs straight back behind you so they are flat and your front legs the same way except foward. Your head must be almost parallel with your body, facing towards whats behind you. (this position is the most uncomfortable looking position but she insist to sleep like that)

5. When someone goes to pick you up you must start making growling noises just before they pick you up and as they do so.

6. When someone has you picked up and in there arms you must bite, gently, at there hands to get down along with squirming and scratching.

7. When it comes to your owner grooming you, don't allow any of it. If they go to clip your toe nails, run so that you with have sharp nails to scratch them with of course! If they wanna cut your hair, of course you going to run again until you hair grows over your butt and you can't take a dump, then you let them. (sorry that was tmi, but true >.<)

8. Now how you wake me up every morning. First you go out side in the snow and get your feet and body nice and snowy. Then you come back inside and jump on me in my bed and insist on biting me under my blankets and covers, but then after a few minutes give up and leave me be.

9. Respond to words treat, tree, tea, and eat. Those words make you think your going to get something tasty like a snack or treat of some sort, but really its just my older brother being cruel by making you think you are when you really aren't.

10. The final step is how you great everyone. When someone comes in you must make a squilling whine and wiggle your tail, which is like a nubbin so you end up wiggle your whole body. And you must keep up with the squilling and whine and such until every guest has petted you at least 20 times.

There you go people you now know how to act like my dog! Aren't you just totally excited! I know i am. To think that maybe somewhere someone is acting like my dog makes me smile, and laugh at how insane they are.

I hope all you people realize that this was about my dog and considering that im crazy what do you expect from my dog, to be just like me! Hope you enjoyed all this useless info!


Posted by anime5/weego at 8:58 PM MST
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Wednesday, 21 January 2004
Gone For A few
Well just so you all know the reason for my recent absense is because i forgot on monday and tuesday XD. But i won't even be able to post a second time this week because i have to go the state speech and drama meet tomarrow and will be gone till sunday when i return, and then on monday i have another school thingy to attend and wont get home till that night. You know i'd have my faithfull side kick starlurk do one for me but she is gonna be with me the hole time im gone.

So you will have to do without my insight for 5 days. I know i know its terrible but just to make up for it i'll make up what i might say on those days!

(Thursday night)

If i had a nickle for everytime someone said if i had a nickle, i'd have some amount of change. I don't hear it often but you never know when someone could just pop out of no where and say "if i had a nickle for everytime..." and they would say that over and over a gain during the conversation but you can't forget this person is holding a bat that says "Nickle" on it because this person is obsessed with nickles and such. So obsessed they have "nickle" tattooed to there fore head and they name all their children and pets Nickle...(and so on and so forth)

(Friday Night)

If i was at school this day i would have talked about how i would have gotten to disect a cow heart. I so wanted to disect it. I remember when i disected a pig in that class (anatomy). I named my pig Spotacus! because he had spots. Was it wrong to enjoy skinning and gently ripping out Spotacus's organs. XD Ok i didn't enjoy it in a sick psyco way more like interesting science discovery way. (you can image what would happen next)

(Saturday Night)

I would have been searching for a kick ass link that day and find one then put it on the sight but since im not gonna be around that day to do so you'll just have to wait for it >.<

(Sunday Night)

I'll just tell you about how i just had an argument with my mom about how you can't slap your children just to slap them. She seems to think that if she wanted to she could slap me for not doing something. She doesn't slap me if thats what you think, she just says she should slap me for what i do or say or don't do.

And im to lazy to make up one for monday so im not gonna! You'll get over it, trust me. Im to cute to be mad at :P. Well i must be off to do laundry for me big awayness.


(P.S. Just because i can't talk to my bf during these five painful days away from my computer i shall say this now, I LOVE YOU MICHAEL I LOVE YOU MICHAEL I LOVE YOU MICHAEL I LOVE YOU MICHAEL I LOVE YOU MICHAEL! five for everyday im gone ^_^)

Posted by anime5/weego at 5:56 PM MST
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Sunday, 18 January 2004
The Reason
This is the reason for me not posting since thursday. Its because friday when i usually type this post and maybe even look for new links i was attending a birthday party then i went to "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King". So i didn't get home till like 10:30ish, and i had to go to bed after that because i had to get up at 4:00 am the next morning.

Now i bet your wondering why did i get up at 4:00 in the morning for. Well because i had to leave for the divisional speech and drama meet of course. If your curious about what Speech and Drama is i'll be happy to tell you if you ask.

So thats the reason for my not posting friday or saturday. Hope you forgive me for leaving you hanging without my wonderful insight on stuff. :P Anywho i must get to bed because i has school to go to tomarrow :: gag ::


(P.S. I added the Fishy Game! I give credit to the Porygonix site for this game because they gave it to me. Enjoy!)

Posted by anime5/weego at 7:26 PM MST
Updated: Sunday, 18 January 2004 8:29 PM MST
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