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Anime mall

hello my name is vash and me and my friends whom you will meet as you explore the website. Any way im only getting doughnuts for telling you The rules and stuff for the web sit. SO as you already know Im vash I and my fellow coworkers represent SakuraCat yes she is a fine girl who is very nice and generouse and beautiful::looks around to make sure shes listening:: (sakuracat): sukingup wont get you more doughnuts! (Vash): I wasn't uh trying to ... hahaha.. umm. heheh (sakuracat): Just tell them what they need to know. (Vash) oh yeah! Um the rules are..1. don't go to humor section if easily offended.(its not really bad any way) 2. your alowed to steal any pictures you may like but on one condition.wait their is no condition. 3. dont send SakuraCat junk mail she'll be very unhappy and I you dont want that to happen SSCARRYY. (sakuracat):I heard that! (vash):uhh... heard what? It wasn't me! any way as i was saying and the last rule is dont stalk any of the anime stars here its not nice. so i guess you know everything. (sakuracat): tell them about fanfics and fanart. (vash) okay. Fanfics and fanart are very much wanted just email them to Sakuracat and they will most likly be on the web site the day after they arive in sakuracat's e mail box. ( and i will get more doughnuts if you do) so that about wraps it up. oh and enjoy yourself.XD

pages of my increadible website

ANimeprofiles of your fav. charactors
