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My Home Page

Just to say so, this is my first attempt at a website on I love it so much that I am leaving a link to it so that you can make your own webpage (if you haven't already) and then tell me about it in my guest book (located below).
I am writing this webpage for two main reasons: I need something to do and to share stories with the world on the fun yet somewhat crazy school that I go to (which will remain anonymus) and the students that are taught there. This is a school has no bounds that the students are afraid to cross. This is because of the fact that my class is (according to me) hormonally unbalanced because of a populance of thirteen girls and three boys (small class size, I know). The girls of my class (I am a guy) rule the different classrooms without much chance of authoritative control. I believe the teachers have mainly given up trying to have a perfectly, orderly classroom filled with docile students in exchangefor an average of 80% or above to prove to higher authorities (namely the principle and the rector) that they are doing their job satisfactorily.*

P.S. My comments are a small amount too sarcastic or exaggerated for what is really going on. Please excuse this. I really do love my class and my teachers although they often act oddly. All that I say is in good humor with affection. Thank-you.
P.S.S. In honor of my school, I have a fun mini-game below. You can roleplay as my class and the surrounding school community; (our class is the gloved hand and the penguin is our school). Rapidly poke the penguin with your mouse about twenty times to represent my class annoying the school and see the reaction of our teachers after we've messed with them once too much! Something funny will happen but don't expect us to stand like lambs in line for too long. {If the penguin game isn't below, please feel free to e-mail me to notify of this as it comes and goes!}

*I say what I do above because once as the girls were complaining of the silly rules they have to follow (because they are in a K-8 school with many small kids around) the homeroom teacher promised to slacken up on the school rules if people would get 80% or above.
"I don't care about what you're wearing or if you eat in this class. I just want you to get an 80% average on your test. Here's our deal^; you get eighty percent in my class and you can do whatever you want in this class [with the exception of killing each other or something like that]."
-Homeroom and Math Teacher-

^Our homeroom and math teacher loves us. He puts up with all (or most) of our whinning sessions and constantly makes deals in good faith which has so far been let down. We all try to do better for him.

Additional Pages

Stories of the Kids @ My School

My favorite things to do.
