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Unfits Puke pop

Game over

got some grave news

bad news
i will not be uptating anymore for awhile
because one of my friend is depressed and thinking about suicide
so, im trying to cheer her up again
thank you for your time

yep im uptating more than once today
funness, just to tell you that im getting
a domain name,
dont use it yet ok?, because they havent confirmed hosting it so when i get the go a head,(ill email yall) dont bother with this name
peace, love and pizza rolls,
ps, i got a video editing thing so the video progress is speeding up, more news soon.......

ok, ive changed it, k
half day on tuesday, booya

yep new picture, whatever
anyway im bored tell me something to do
or not
garreth better reply to email soon or he's gonna die
ummm we'll be right back

sorry about the long wait for an
uptate but ive been busy with stuff
like skating and nicky and my friends
oh god, this site is getting too personal
hmm what was it again?
oh yes crl,alt,del.........

nothing new on the site, still working on that essay
talking of essays, Garreth?, wheres that damn apocolyptic (spelled it right,?)esssay damnit!!!
me get very mad grr.......

cris has a camera so were filming like crazy
Anyway, On a more serious tone,

We would like to give repect to James Mc Donagh.
Who Tragically, Lost his mother on Tuesday Last.
Thank you.


Sorry Rob about your netnanny crap
that must suck
No school Wensday
New page-ness
A cool Place where you can win spoons
Love shack baby
you can bring your jukebox money

The spoon page is here,If you into that stuff 29/1/04


nothing much but a skate on saterday


ahhhh sorry about the lack of uptates
but ive been busy with uhmmmmmmmmm stuff
i think ive got the game over site worked out
The misadventure page
The place of General Mad-ness!!
Oh and there is such a word as Kiblah!!!!!

Read nicknames before reading this

chucking penguin made a nice intro for the movie
manuel 50-50'd the river ledge!!
Cookie is downloading flash

Brendan twisted both ankles!
Faliem was handing out daffodiles for no aparent reason at all
I myself got 6 of them..
There is someting up with him

i kickfliped on to the bank today
Brendan tre'Fliped over a drainhole!
Oh my god,Brendan just fixed the Camera!

Ian might Not be quiting after all!!!
going on a big skate tomarow.
all the dogs going to be in Garreth,Ian,Duey,James,Me,Brendan,Martin
Get Your ass downtown tomarrow.
No filming Though v.v

Site wise
Links page uphere
Game Over Newshere
some new images up
ummm yep thats about it bye bye

my little digital camera is currently out of action and may have to retire i know boo hoo
but fortunely colin the vert master might be getting a new camera yayyy
