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Like a Prayer

Written by Shardy and Erin. Illistrated by Shardy. So don't take the pictures!!!!! Or Shardy will kick your demonic ass!!! >_<

Erin: Shardy, you are too obssessed with kicking demon ass. ^^;;

Shardy: ^_^


This is a fanfiction story Shardy thought up in the early hours of the morning. Now, keep in mind, she had been up a full 27 hours without closing her eyes ONCE so that's why this story is so weird. It involves two dead guys, okay!!!! Two DEAD guys!!!! But that's okay, because it's Angel Gentatsu and Angel Souzo, so it's all good!! ^_^

Erin: Shardy, quit talking in third person. >_O

Shardy: Shardy doesn't speak in third person. ^_~*

Kenshin butts in: ANYWAY.........We should get to the story now, that we should.

Shardy: *squeal!!* Kenshin-kun!!! *glomps Kenshin*

I guess I'll do the story summery because apparently Shardy is...well...*looks over* SHARDY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO KENSHIN!?!?!?? *sighs in disgust* That was enlightening. I'll have to remember that.

Like A Prayer is a Rurouni Kenshin fanfiction where Sano and Kenshin are having a difficult time letting go of their pasts. Because of this, Captain Sagara and Gentatsu Takatski are reserected BUT Sano and Kenshin are the only ones that can see them...

Shardy: ...and feel them!!!

Erin: *throws keyboard and hits Shardy square in the face* You are such a pervert!!!

Shardy: Owwwwwwwwww..................

Sano: Can we just get on with it, pleeeeeeeeeeeeese????

Captain Sagara (from heaven): Oh, Sano........

Sano: What...the...hell...????? O_O

Yes, this fanfiction is rated probably NC-17 for Shardy's extremely colorful vocabulary, a LOT of suggestive humor, slash, lemon, and a little yaoiness. ^_^

Shardy: Yaoi!!!

Erin: And, now, on with the show.

Sano and Kenshin: Yaoi????????????????

Sano: *confuzzled* Um...Shardy...Erin????

Kenshin: *realizes* I think we should have a little talk, that we should.....

Don't know who Souzo and Gentatsu are?? Click here to see pictures!!!
In Which There are Unexpected Visitors and the 'F' Word Dominates Their Vocabulary
In Which Feelings Begin to Stir
In Which the Dojo is Redecorated
In Which They Walk by the River
Questions? Comments? Deaththreats? Sign the Dreambook!