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Senzu Bean-$20,000-- When eaten in battle, your Health will be returned to half thier origanal amount.

Senzu bean bag-$3,000-- Can store up to 10 senzu beans.

Senzu Bean Belt-$30,000-- Can store up to 30 senzu beans.

Scouter-$40,000--If you have one, your first attack will automatically hit without your enemy being given a chance to dodge it. You can also use your scouter to read the stats of people who are in fights if they are on the same planet as you.

Space Ship-$220,000-- Travels to other planets in 5 days, but you can train with yourself or others on the way there. Holds 4 people.

Power Pole-$30,000-- Increases all stats except armor by 200. May be used in battle.

Dragon Ball Radar-$30,000--Finds Dragon Balls faster by 1 day.

Sword-$85,000--Increases all stats except armor by 300. May be used in battle.

Equipment Gym-$20,000-- A training room similar to the gravitron. See Training Methods page

Saibaman-$50,000-- A green skinned Henchmen that can be grown. The saibamen will have thier own personal stats. You may train them, teach them new moves, and tey can help you in battle. Takes 4 days to grow. Only 2 saibamen per person. If killed cannot be back from dead.

Android Kit-$70,000-- An android that takes 4 days to asemble. Same as the Saibamen, you may train them, teach them moves, etc. Only 2 Androids per person.

Space Pod-$175,000-- Can travel to another planet in one day, but can't train. Holds one person.

Rejuvination Chamber-$50,000-- Heals you in one day and your power level increases 5000 each time used.

Gravitron-$25,000--Every week you train gravity goes up 10X, maxes out at 250X noraml gravity. See the Training Methods page.

Senzu Bean Plantation-$140,000-- A small field that your personal senzu beans are grown. You will recieve 7 senzu beans every week.

Z-Sword-$190,000-- Increases all stats except armor by 1,000. May be used in battle.

Capsule Corp. Space Ship-$65,000-- Can travel to another planet in 4 days, but can hold up to 8 people. There is also a built in gravitron so you can spar in a gravity room.

Defense Plus-$30,000-- A steriod that increases defense by 800.

Super Sword-$90,000-- Increases all stats except armor by 600. May be used in battle.

Hyprobolic Time Chamber-$250,000-- Allows you to go through an entire weeks worth of training in one day.