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Anime Character Personality Test!

Hi, well I know for now their is not alot because I forgot the save when I had so many tests on here so I'll try again tomorrow. Hope you all come back and I am sure by next week. This website will have a bunch of great tests... Anyways, if their any tests u want me to put on here then email me at Any questions either, email me. Hope you all have a great time and talk soon. Trunks. Update: Well I put in some tests I tooken but still have to put more on here, hope u all like it and if u tried to email me, sorry, I misspelled my email address. Its right now and again, email me if u need any tests on here or even just a chat or whatever. Hopefully I get emails ^_^ Byes!

Are you a Seme or Uke?

Are you a Seme or Uke?

What (yaoi) anime pairing are you?
this quiz was made by Eike and Mirai

I've come to take you.
What character from a creepy anime are you?

Girls, commence drooling now.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.

Monou Fuuma
Formerly kind and a good friend, you've become a rather twisted person, with a love for blood and tears. But that's okay, because you're far more interesting, and your sadistic personality leads to loads of yaoi fun. You've also got a soft side, and occasionally decide to show it. Being able to sense people's wishes comes in handy too. You're generally pretty easy going, despite being a very obvious teenage sadist.

Take the "Which Dragon Of Earth Are You!" test!
by Maduin & Kira

Take the Which Utena Boy Are You? Quiz at Transparent Hair Syndrome.

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You are Yusuke

You are Yuuki Miaka

You love food, boys, and hate studying. However, you are tying to make your family happy by tyring your hardest to do things that are too hard. Often, when things get really tough, you depend on your friends to bail you out. You trust in others to do what is best, even when they often dissappoint you. Your greatest need is loyalty, and it is also your greatest asset.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz

What fuzzy creature are you?

Take the Anime soundtrack Quiz

Which Lion King Character Are You?
Created by CrazyCoasterCo.

Vision Of Escaflowne (find out more)

Find out What Anime Best Suits You by taking the quiz yourself!

What Kind of Anime Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I am Joey Wheeler.
I look and act tough, but I also have a soft spot in my heart for those I love. I depend on my friends for support, because I'm not always too sure of my abilities, but I sure as hell can stand up for myself when called to do so!

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out!