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Images of Tianna the Sorceress

The evil side of Tianna
Tianna and Jade
Tianna with brown hair and a dragon in the background
Tianna looking elfish

Past: Tianna's father left her and her mother, Gabriel, while she was young. Tianna's mother was a witch, and so she taught Tianna with what time she had everything she could. Defense against attacks, spells and how to read minds. In front of her very own eyes, she watched her mother be murdered. After that, Tianna decided to go traveling. She was 14 years old when she began traveling. In each town, she would stop and sing for the villagers for money. Her mother had helped her develop the talent of singing to help past the time. Eventually, though Tianna didn't realize it, her singing became powerful. She could soothe the minds of animals and people with a simple song. Also, when Tianna would stop in a town, she would offer her services about people's futures, being as she can read minds. On one of Tianna's journeys, she met a young man by the name of Blaze. He was the one who had taught her to use her powers fully. They both fell in love through her training with him. When she finally got used to being as powerful as she could.. she practiced on Blaze. The guilt is still on her, and she wanders the villages with the face of guilt and pain. She had killed Blaze.. with a single spell of poison. Tianna has a kind heart, but she lives with the guilt and if you look deep in her eyes, you can see the pain, the love for the one she had innocently murdered.
As time progressed, Tianna used her abilities to read minds, and to soothe the soul with her singing. She also learned that she could speak to animals. On her journey traveling for an unknown reason, she met many creatures that have helped her. A dragon, a snake, and a tiger. Her favorite, the tiger named Jade, she kept with her and let travel by her side at all times. Her security, forever.
SkillsAbility to read the minds of animals and humans. Tianna has a talent in singing, and whenever she sings, she can control the minds of others, and soothe their pain. Tianna also has the ability to cast many spells, such as lightning, fire, water and ice. Tianna is skilled with her dagger that she carries strapped onto her thigh. She can gut anything in a matter of seconds.
PersonalityTianna is not a shy person. She is very friendly and has the charming looks to go with her witty jokes. She has no problem finding a place to stay for the night, for the villagers always find her pleasant company to be with. She is fond of entertaining children and offers to help clean. Though she is dramatically depressed over losing Blaze, she puts on a mask and does the best she can.