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The Last Hope
Pictures Welcome to the world of the mysterious young warrior, names Trunks. Coming from the future to save those who were killed by the Androids, Trunks is a warrior of heart. He is the son Vegeta, a former Saiyan prince and Bulma, a technical genius who happens to be one of the richest people in the world. Find out about everything you need to know and more!!! Go on an adventure you'll never forget through this handsome half mystery, half legend boy from the future! For You
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~Current Updates~

April 3, 2003

~ Ok here's what's happening today. I got some more pages finished. It's taking a lot of work getting everything transferred to the new layout. I took down all of the old VHS screen caps, and am soon going to replace them with new higher quality DVD pics.

    I finally added a FAQ section, so now I won't get so many questions asked more than 5 times. I did not put up all the questions because some were just concerning the people themselves and when I sent out e-mails asking if I can put up the questions I got some replies saying no so I that's another reason.

   As you can see, I added a mailing list and a new guestbook to the bottom of the page. This way, people don't have to visit the site just to check if anything new came up, they will just get an e-mail telling them the updates.

   Something else happened today, I got a great idea for two new music videos. I wasn't really sure how to make them until I saw Meri's page on "A Newbie's Guide to Anime Music Videos" (thank you Meri) Well I will tell you about them but you absolutely CAN'T take them!!! One of them is called "Hatched" its a music video dedicated to Majin Buu. The song for it is "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz. It's about how Vegeta and Goku's power set Majin Buu free and then he destroys everything with the commands from Babidi. The next one is called "A Wet Romance". A music video about the love between Bulma and Vegeta. The song I got that will fit perfectly for that is "Rainy Days" by Ja Rule feat. Mary J. Blige. I am hoping  that I could make those videos soon.


April 2, 2003

~ Hey you guys! Spring Break is great! I am getting so much stuff done and am working on a new shrine, but I won't tell you the character, the only thing I'll say it's still DBZ-related. Well anyways, I already have two movies lined up that I'm going to get screen caps from and then three more are on order. 

    As always I like to start from the beginning and work my way up the series so the first collection would be from "The History of Trunks" movie, which I already own. The next set will come from his trip back to the past in the DVD "The Mysterious Youth" which is on it's way to come and after that will come "Prelude to Terror" and "Assassins".

    This page is turning out a lot better than my other page, the layout is a looks a lot better, and there is a lot more new stuff. When I get off Spring Break, I will be really busy with school, because we are starting ISAT, so I might not be able to update. 

    Right now I have a really good baby-sitting job that pays me enough to get three DB (Z) movies after each time. Because of that I am trying to collect from the Saiyan Saga to the Kid Buu Saga. I tried to figure out how long that would take me and I got that if I bought three DVDs each time it would take me 29 purchases!!! Now I'm down to 28 hehe ^-^.

   The Pictures page has been put up with an approximate amount of pictures for each episode. There will be 40 pictures on each page, so it will not look packed together. Hopefully the movies I ordered will come today so I can start doing my screen caps.


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