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My I-know-it-isn't-too-fancy-looking-but-the-content-is-great Yu Yu Hakusho fan site!

Translation Please: The Grinning Demon

Konichiwa to all who have found this site. Although I haven't updated in forever, I will now do my best to update and get this site known!

Update: 3/20/06

Wow, it's been exactly two years since my last update, amazing! My email has changed, so I will change all of the links to my email, if I can remember how. I'll look around and see if I can't round up some new stuff, like fanfics etc. Jaa ne!
EDIT- Updated the Translation page, check it out! All email links have been updated. Unfortunately I cannot retrieve anything sent to my old email address via two years ago (^^") so please, resend me stuff if you will be so kind, or send me some new stuff! I'd love to hear from anyone interested!

Goals of this site:

1. To host and update often a lot of NON-yaoi fics, art, etc. Please, there are many other sites where you can put up your yaoi stuff. Personally, I'd like to keep this as clean as I can.

2. Use YOUR imput to make this site better! Send me suggestions (no yaoi suggestions please ^_^) for things to put up, like maybe interviews with the characters, for example. Send me suggestions, and I'll see what I can do!!

3. To make sure you, the visitor of my site, has FUN! Okay, that's about it. If you'd like to send me a fanfic, a suggestion, etc., I'd give you my email address, but I need time to make sure that I have enough room in them for when and if I am able to get a ton of stuff at once, so remember that "patience is a virtue".

Also, I will probably not be hosting a gallery because 1. I don't really want to have bandwith problems and 2. There are many sites out there that have pics for you to use. Although I may put one up eventually, I won't right now for the sake of what's left of my sanity.

Just as a random comment, yes, Hiei and Kurama are my favorite characters. That IS why you see most of their pics around the site. ^_^

I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. I am merely making a website for Yu Yu Hakusho. They belong to...the creators of Yu Yu Hakusho. Please no sue me! -Ryoken, the author of this site.

Also, if you have a moment, sign the guestbook to let me know I'm not doing all of this for my OWN amusement and that there are people out there who are actually viewing the page! *gives the reader her best puppy dog eyes*

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