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F) In40
A) Un100
S) Am50
E) Mn75
R) Mn75
I) Mn75
P) Am50

Health: 265 Karma: 200
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Cybertronian Physique: like his fellow Autobots, Blurr is a robotic entity of Cybertronian design and origin. As such, this super-fast robot has by his very nature the use of a large variety of abilities that reflect this. His very body gives Blurr these super human powers:
-Armor Skin: Ex resistance to injury
-Growth: (Permanent) Gd
-Invulnerability to Disease and Toxins: CL1000 resistance vs. organic pathogens, Un resistance vs. chemically creative substances.
-Microscopic/Telescopic Vision: Fb, this power lets them see objects up to a mile distant with ease, as well as allowing them to read items on microfiche.
Super-Speed: Sh-X ability to perform any action (combat or non-combat).
-May substitute for fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 5 combat actions per round.
-May substitute for agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May substitute for intuition for initiative.
Powerlink: In, Blurr has the ability to powerlink with Mini-Cons. When Blurr powerlinks with his personal Mini-Con, Incinerator, he gains the following abilities:
-Flight Pack: Rm airspeed
-Raise Stats: +1cs to Agility, Strength and Endurance. Health doesn't change.
Sports Car Mode: Blurr is able to switch between his Humanoid mode to that of a sleek sports car, at will. When in his vehicular form, Blurr possesses the following vehicular statistics:
-Control: Rm
-Speed: Sh-Z
-Body: Am
-Protection: Rm

Twin Beam Rifles: Rm Energy, 15 areas

Talents: Aerial Combat

Contacts: Autobots, Incinerator


Blurr is a no-nonsense powerhouse of decisive action. His all-work-no-play attitude often places him in friendly but heated competition with Hot Shot. Equipped with ultra speed, precision attack capabilities and a special flight attack mode, something of which few Autobots have, Blurr's cool defiance in the face of apparent defeat make him one of the most awe-inspiring Autobots in battle but are skill, discipline, and bravery enough to fend off the deadliest Decepticon attacks?

Blurr's Sports Car Mode