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My Fanfiction

My Fanart
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Non-Anime Stuff

Welcome to Bijono Senshi DragonMoon
Konnichi wa, my name is Taiyono Tenshi a.k.a Solar Angel and this is a site dedicated to Sailormoon and Dragonball crossovers. That includes stories and pictures. The pictures can be of any kind  hand drawn, Cgi, and  yes even altered pics.
I debated a very long time as to if I should post my stories. As you can see I decided to share.  I hope you enjoy my work. Don't forget to sign my guest book.
Arigato gozaimashita

01/30/2004: Well this is my second layout. I hope I do a better job with this one.
03/03/2004: Repost on Angelfire, first post on Bravenet.

Copyrights & Credits
This layout was designed by . I modified it a little, hope you don't mind. I just don't know Html code from a hole in the ground.

Free Guestbook from Bravenet Free Guestbook from Bravenet

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Other peoples Fanfiction

Other peoples Fanart
(Warning Spoilers)

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