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December 14, 2004

MUR updates

December 11, 2004

Well... I fixed the link below for the pics. There's a few more fics on my page. And hm.... More to come. I know lame update, but gimme a break!

November 25, 2004

Oh my, a few updates... If you came in from the main page you would have seen a link to Mixed up Realities. It's a project I'm working on mostly solo, though there are a few people who have helped me with ideas. Also, let's see... I have pictures of my vacation to New Mexico up. I know that gallery isn't up to my usual standard, but that's because it's a vacation set.

Well, still not really up on line, though I'm working feverishly on a few projects. One being another site. YAY sites. Anyway, back to work.

October 14th, 2004

Reworked the site getting ready for when I can actually get back on line. I know, it's been a while since an update. I moved to Tennesse, and well, let's just say that I've been busy. Found out today that I'll be going to visit my dad in a month. I can't wait Thanksgiving with dad's going to be fun, the only down side is that Josh may not be able to join me. He's now driving trucks for Colonial. Though, Just means that when he gets here he's mine. *Hentai grin*
Back to Site stuff, well, I took down a lot of images, I figured I'd see how the writing worked to keep visitors. I'm slowly adding my fics back into the site. I've been trying to rework some of them, finish others, and well, pretty much try to get the formatting of the site to look better so that when I move all my stuff to one domain I won't be trying to juggle it all together. I think I'm finally happy with the layout now though.
*Yawns* I'm also trying to make this site a little cleaner with the coding. Welcome to the headaches. *Giggles*

Welcome... to the Unsane world.





