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Shaman King Center

Well Welcome to what has got to be the worst Shaman King site ever.... But you are welcome to check it out anyway. It has Randomness, Information, piccys, a disclamier and MP3s and other things..... Well that's all. Thanks for coming.

Updates 08.14.03

Start of site making hell!!!! Um did basic stuff like getting it up and stayed up till the wee hours of the morn.....

Listening to Butterfly from Dance Dance Revolution.

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Choose the part of this lame arse site you want to go.....

Information (Characters, Basic...ect...)
Image Galleries (pictures of the SK ones)
Multimedia (MP3, Lyrics,MIDI, Open End... ect...)
Fanstuff (Fanfiction, Fanart)
Links (Other cooler sites!)
Contact me (Profile,My emails other stuff)
Disclamier (Nessasary, Spirits!!! I can't spell)
Misc (Randomness)
Poll (Shaman King poll. Changes every once and a while)
Review (My thoughts on the series.)
Updates, forum blarg...... (stuff)