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anime wanna B site


basic info

my email is label the file site shit so i dont delete it lol..... my site is mostly my comic, custom sprites, and my art work feel free to msg me on !!!!my aim taichi4743!!!! and all my updates are at the bottom mostly cuz i suk at site layout design but am only good like artistically, and to anyone who likes my work please feel free to come back and if u would refer ppl to my site because i wanna publisize my site without payin munny like most ppl have to. and its nice to have ppl apprectiate ur hard work

Art updates

coming soon!!!! lol


june 25 yo so um im not dead if anyone was wondering and im startin a second comic more or less for practice since i wanna be able to do good on my first i get angles and other stuff down

Web sites for those who make games

Anime mid's

all files are in winzip format

This is an awsome place to find wav. files for your games

Great sprite site
Go to my friends site at jmatchead

my email's