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The Experiment..

  • Sywren: This is a random Saiyuki picture, we will replace it eventually I'm sure.
  • Sylence: And here I thought it was going to be there forever.
  • Sywren: Ri-ight...when you're the one who said it'd do for now?
  • Sylence: Whatever...c.c
  • Sywren: *grins* So we'll be posting stories and such as we get them done. Please review or we'll think you don't like us anymore...^.^;;
  • Sylence: *smirks* We're accepting pictures and stories from others as well, if you want to donate, click on the e-mail link and send it in.
  • Sywren: Also thought we should warn you, this site will support yaoi and yuri as well as having het.
  • Sylence: We're accepting, well, Sywren is, requests. If you have a suggestion for a pairing or anime, please include a link to where she can find information for it in case we haven't seen it.
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