Okay, here's the deal... each picture is from a different anime and I take no credit for any of the artwork UNLESS it further states. Each image is a character that looks like the characters stated... you get what I mean? Most of the images are going to have multiple people in them. If you want SINGLE images, go to their bio page. The single images here will probably be random people who don't have long bios like the OTHER characters or even the Villians!

If you would like your image of a character from starheart put up here (or on their bio page) please draw the picture from their description and send it to me for judging (whether or not it looks like the character)... I REALLY need some original character pics... if I get enough I won't need other anime pics up, email the pictures to .... THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE!

Rei and Mel
Minion and Tsia, I love this one!
Tsia and Mel, minus the dresses
Squall and Rei
Shyir (short hair, minus the thingy on his forehead) and Mel
Minion and Mel or Minion and Tsia
Squall and Rei
Robus and Rei
Minion and Dia
Squall and Selvia
Mel and Robus
The three girls when they were younger
another Mel and Robus (he kinda looks like a girl there though)

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