
WARNING: Major Spoilers!

Basically this is a page that will tell you some facts about little things in the story.
You can call it a 'Did you know' page combined with a FAQ page... or something
to that extent. Of course if you don't want spoilers then read the story first
because I'm not going to make a non-spoilers page. Other than that ENJOY!

Interesting Facts/ Ideas

** =newly added, newly added ones will be at the bottom of the list.

I'm starting all over... it sucks... deal with it...

This DID have interesting facts on it... well not that interesting... but anywho. I decided to take them down because I got confused by my sister. I already know that Rei and Rozi end up together then Rozi dies. BUT I had it that Squall and Mel; and Tsia and Minion got together... I changed that... I'm not sure yet. My sister said that Minion and Mel would be cool together, but I don't know yet. I had a picture for squall too and she told me not to use it... she's beginning to think that she's in charge of the idea... I'm afraid. I mean... Minion and Tsia make such a cute couple... but so far Minion and Mel are closer friends... or something. And... Squall is the strongest so I thought Mel wouldn't date anyone who wasn't strong so there he made sense... but Tsia's funny like him... It's so confusing. My sister suggested that I made Rei and Squall get back together... but I don't know. Also... Rei keeps getting with new guys and dumping them so I don't know who to put in for the final guy for her. I'm lost... someone help.
OH YEAH! I was also thinking that Mel should continue to stay single to wait for Shyir. I don't know what's going on. Its so confusing... why can't they all just love each other....? I guess they could but that's weird. I'll figure it out as I write... if you have any suggestions I probably won't listen, but I'm open for it... My sister sucks... she fills my head with bologna... that's a stupid way to spell a word... I mean... the g is silent and the a... doesn't make the right sound... Alright, I'm gonna shut up now. But anyway, I'm simply not going to put anything to do with the couples on this page unless its 100%... thanks and continue reading


1. Angel wings are usually white, but Mel's are black because she is part Emok. All Emoks have black hair, even feathers, which is dominate in breeding.

2. Why can Mel change her dagger to a sword and no one else can? How is it possible about the gem and her mother's counter-attacks on her?.... Emoks are emotionally attatched to just about everything close to them. Mel is especially strong with her weapon which is why she can use magic to change it to a sword but no one can when they try. Her mother has extreme power and took the oppurtunity to put the spell on Mel before she was born (which only strengthened her hold on her) She has the counter-attacks possible, so quickly, because of the fact that she is an Emok and emotionally attatched to her daughter... confused?

3. What was the black fog being that killed Squall's family and the other dragongods?.... Basically, this being was really powerful if it could take down ALL of the dragongods. I'M not even sure what I wanted it to be... I really liked the story about it being Lucifer or some Demon who wanted to get rid of guardians, but then I'd have to make a saga where it came back... but I don't. Basically this part of the story is left up to the imagination of the fans until further notice... One thing for sure is that it WASN'T Falqin.

4. What are some of the couples that will/did happen FOR SURE!?.... Okay, here's the list without details... Minion&Aila, Rozi&Aila, Squall&Rei, Squall&Selvia, Rozi&Rei, Shyir&Mel, and Minion&Tsia. Whether they stay together or break up is still up to me and how the story unfolds.

** 5. I just realized that you people may not know the pronounciations of some of the characters so I made a list... You should know Rei, Mel, Squall, and Minion. Now I won't use the dictionary's way of explaining, I'm gonna use my own so hopefully you will understand. Tsia (Sea-uh), Rozi (Roz-ee), Shyir (Shy-ear), Bonis (Bon-iz), Micovol (Mick-oh-vool).... MORE LATER!

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