

NAME: Squall
AGE: 22
HAIR/EYES: Brown/ Blue
HEIGHT: 6'1"
SPECIAL TRAIT(s): lizard-like tail(demonish), two scars on chest
SPECIES: Dragongod
BIRTHDAY: 1st of the 1st Spring Moon
FAMILY: Mother and Father (deceased)
LOVES: Selvia (deceased)
LOVED BY: Selvia (deceased)
OCCUPATION: Accountant of Starheart (doesn't do his job)
WEAPON(s): Diregio (staff/sheath), Draico (sword hidden within staff), Eyes of Dragon (two orbs on staff)
ABILITY(s): Magic (limited/hidden), martial arts, swordsplay, fly (hidden), strength (hidden), shield (w/objects)
STRENGTHS: Strong, protective, funny, comic relief
WEAKNESSES: very secretive, perverted, doesn't lie
HOBBIES: Eating, flirting
LIKES: Food, fighting for fun
DISLIKES: evil, killing
AMBITION: To live without evil interference and to find the mystery of the dragongod's deaths
DEATH: I don't know, quit asking!
PAST LOVERS: Selvia (deceased), Rei, Aila (supposibly?), others....
HISTORY: He was born, training hard to accomplish whatever quickly. When he was eight, his parents were killed by an unknown force (all Squall saw was this black fog smog stuff). The force killed all the other dragongods, wiping out their guardian powers. The Unknown force stabbed Squall (the scars on his chest) and left him on the ground for dead, but he didn't die. He continued to train, preparing to kill the unknown force. When he was 15, he met Selvia at a marketplace. She stayed around him trying to get him to laugh more. He went to propose to her but found her dead of disease on the ground outside. After that he hid all his true emotions behind humor. At 18, he went into the Korik's War to kill Falquin because he was tired of all the fighting. He left immediately after killing him because he didn't want any fame or anyone to see his face (that would risk the unknown force to know that he was still alive). He goes into Starheart, believing that it is a desolite place and gets hired by Aila.

CHARACTERS IN OTHER ANIMES THAT HE IS LIKE: Toya (Ayashi no Ceres), and of course Squall (FFVII)


If you want to draw any image of Squall then please read the bio to learn what kind of clothes he would must likely wear, what kind of weapon he has, etc. Send your image to subject: Fanart
We do not claim to own any of the animes these images are from. They are used to give you an idea of how Squall looks-- unless otherwise stated.

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