

NAME: Illusion
AGE: 18
GENDER: Female
HAIR/EYES: Black/Black
HEIGHT: 5'3"
SPECIAL TRAIT(s): Two moonlike scars on shoulder blades which two large black angel wings come from
SPECIES: 1/2 angel, 1/4 human, 1/4 Emok
BIRTHDAY: One of the Spring Moons
FAMILY: Kirai (mother, evil) Father (unknown angel)
LOVES: Shyir
OCCUPATION: Bartender at Starheart
WEAPON(s):"Iousai" Dagger/Sword, gem (inset on hilt/on necklace)
ABILITY(s): Magic, teleport, fly (with wings only), shield, martial arts, swordsplay
STRENGTHS: Strong, protective
WEAKNESSES: tortures people..., temper, secretive, bad first impression
HOBBIES: training, throwing stuff...
LIKES: fighting
DISLIKES: girly girl chasers, revealing clothing, dresses/ dressing up, her mother
AMBITION: To be freed from her mother's control, and to find Shyir
DEATH: None at this moment
HISTORY: Her mother casted a spell on her when she was in her tummy... to place her emotions in a gemstone, thinking that no emotions would make a better fighter. Her mother trained her, persuading her that men are the enemy (hoping that she would never fall in love). She kept her hair long and decorated while dressing her in puffy dresses (hence the reason she hates dressing up), When she was 11, she tried to run away but her mother used the gem to make her return. She was forced to dress up again and kill more men. At 13, she took the gem and ran away, escaping by swimming across a river. She almost drowned near the other side but Shyir came and saved her. Telling him her story, he took care of her and trained her. Slowly, they fell in love but at 16, he left on a mission, leaving her scarred inside. At 17 she entered the Korik's War to fight for her own reasons and not her mothers (and also hoping that she would find Shyir there). At 18, she wonders into Starheart to find Shyir, she saves Aila, and accepts a job.

CHARACTERS IN OTHER ANIMES THAT SHE IS LIKE: Arashi (from x), and maybe Rogue (from Megami Paradise), Ceres (ayashi no ceres)


If you want to draw any image of Mel then please read the bio to learn what kind of clothes she would must likely wear, what kind of weapon she has, etc. Send your image to subject: Fanart
We do not claim to own any of the animes these images are from. They are used to give you an idea of how Mel looks-- unless otherwise stated.

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