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Dear Site Visitors,
I have been to many Hamtaro sites where there have been "walls of shame", and there are a few sites that show up on almost every wall, like 'Ribbon-chan's Corner'. If necessary, I WILL put up a wall of shame, if anyone steals graphics or anything from my site. I did use an image from Pashmina and Stan's club, but I gave them credit and linked back to them. So, here are the rules:

1. No Stealing of Graphics/Direct Linking

2. Don't post anything above 'G' rated content in fanfics, chatrooms, ect.

3. Don't flame the guestbook, if you do, I will delete the entry *sticks out tongue* If you flame, you're just wasting your time.

4. I'm not going to MAKE you like Pashmina and Stan, but if you don't, please don't go around making fun of it or whatever. Let's be mature, people!

So, those are the rules. Pretty simple, ne?
