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From the Dust, Oblivion!!!

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Years will pass and you will not be seen but this time it's played a nother way you will make your self be seen kill people show mercy or don't show mercy train grow up be on the top of all make sure you are the world's best fighter and sword's men.Day's will pass and you will not be seen.well like my brother jin said a man is not a man without .... forget it i can't remember it was stupid anyway.good luck being the best fighter and i hope you like the rule's. News

Enter The Matrix is now out it looks nice get it.

Matrix Reloaded is now out if you seen the 1st Matrix you got to see the second.

The DBZ game on PS2 is going down and down win it come's to fighting games but it's going to come back with a nice game.

X2 a nice movie not a waste of time at all its not what they been talking about in the streets beleave me you wonna go see this movie.

Thats all the news for now this is Toro Barzhod and see you next time.