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Sakura-san's Stories!

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Only a little bit into the new school year and I'm already suffering. But besides that I've good news for us all. My computer that I wrote the first part of my fan fiction on is finally getting an internet conncetion. This way I can either email it here or just update from there.

BTW it is a sailormoon one. If you don't like that anime then sorry. I'll be writing more types soon. I have this whole manga idea in my head but I need to develop that thought more thouroughly before starting a story that I've no idea where I'm going. That's just not my style. I'm more of the get a pretty good idea then let it flow kinda person. But right now I only now the clear beginning and vague ending. So that will be put on hold.

Also I will post various fan fiction. At the moment I'm blank. I would like some comments on this. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time!

Ja Ne,


Hello all and thank you for coming to my site! This is opening day so don't expect anything yet. I will except any fanfiction or original work and put it on the site if:

1. No overly amount of cussing or gay or lesbian parings.
2. Nothing rated over R.
3. It's your own story and not someone else's!

Uh you can also submit art that goes with your story. Well that's it for now. My stories are coming soon I hope. School defenitly wasn't made to give you extra time! Please visit the interactive page to sign the guestbook and take the poll before you leave. Oh and please stop by the forums!

Ja Ne,

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