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New layout on the main guild page......sooo pretty ^-^ me like magna carta. Anyhow, I've changed the prizes for some of the contests + extended the date for entries to the logo contest, the prizes for that are great by the way so go enter!! Also I'm running a mini contest on the guild front page for the first person to recruit 5 peeps ^-^


Konnichiwa + welcome to [[sleepy angel]]. So I guess you joined my legion of the insane o.O Well welcome to the guild. ^-^
[[sleepy angel]] is all about anime + squaresoft, yup, we ish cool ::hehehe::. If you have any suggestions for the guild feel free to make them ^-^ Just contact me or one of the other council members we're here to listen to you!! We live for your input o.O And if you don't know who I am, I'm minidrak ^-^ your esteemed leader. don't worry I don't bite much.......


Not gonna nag too much but there are a few things:
i) No sticky paws
ii) Don't be horrible to any of our nice members
iii) Be active
iv) Enjoy the guild