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November 22 2003
Finally got myself a "guestbook"! Just added my Livejournal if someone wants to drop me a line or two (love feedback!). Hopefully I've got more fics coming soon, but whenever I'm going to find the time for updating I just don't know. Blah.

November 12 2003
See, I haven't given up on this one yet. I've just been really busy with other stuff and the muse has tortured me with both this and that (Schuldig & Yohji in interesting positions, mostly), so updates have been few.
One new fic to archive, Persuasion, a really short Schuldig/Yohji fic written as my part of the 15 minute challenge between me, Myka and Pandora. Also added a link to Guilty Sins, the new Schuldig/Yohji shrine that I'm running with Myka and Pandora. Also a belated Happy Halloween for everyone and I hope to have another update sometime before X-mas at least.
Pandora was the one who got hit #1000 and I've got the instructions for a fic. I think. ^^'

October 1 2003
Just a little reminder that whomever gets hit #1000 can request a one shot from me. Instructions can be found a couple of updates below. *points*
No new update yet, but I'm working on it, I swear! As soon as school allows me and the muse isn't trying to kill me, I will make one. I've got new fics from both Pandora and Morgana to archive here...

August 8 2003
Added two new fics - Uninspired and Missing You, gifts from Pandora. I'm going to be spoilt rotten if this continues! ^.~
Also added the index-page to the Blood-timeline and I hope to be able to start uploading that one soon.
I'm going to try and get all the fics uploaded this weekend, now when I got the time between packing (moving in less than 2 weeks! Yay!!!) and writing (the muse is tempting me with some more Schu/Yohji-angst...).
Have a nice weekend everyone!

August 7 2003
Added a new fic - Fumbling Towards Ecstacy, a songfic written for Pandora.

August 1 2003
Working on links and banners. I still haven't managed to fix the guestbook, but I'm on it, I swear!
I'm also working on formatting a lot of fics to be posted here whenever I get the chance, hopefully this weekend.
Whomever get hit #1000 can request a one shot from me if they want to, any pairing from either Inuyasha or Weiss Kreuz - including threesomes... ^.~
Just right click on the counter image and send it to me along with chosen pairing(s) and genres.
Just a quick note about my so called real life as well: work's not as hectic as before - I get there, I sleep for two hours, I work for about an hour, I have an hour and a half of lunch, I get back and work for another hour, I whine about going home... And I get home. This leaves a lot of time to write for me now, and I've got several new fics planned, among others a Tsume/Kiba from Wolf's Rain one shot and some other odds and ends from both Inuyasha and Weiss Kreuz.
Chapter 9 of The Bet is still in the works, as well as the revising of earlier chapters. It all depends on the muse right now, so bug him! *pats the little monster on the head*
Have a nice weekend everyone!

July 29 2003
Added a new link. A very rare treat - a CrawfordxRan Shrine!
Oh, and still working on the other stuff... *cowers in the corner in shame*

July 27 2003
*whimpers in pain* You know when I said last night that the guestbook was going to be up and running today? Well, obviously I hadn't counted on the fact that my connection to the Net was going to give up on me. Got it back after six hours, but by then what little there is left my sanity had already slipped away. I'm going to give the damn thing a try tonight though, or maybe some more updates with fics and stuff.
Oh, and the muse says "Hi!" too, but don't mind him, he's just pissed that he didn't get me to work as he had hoped. Damn workaholic! *crawls away again to battle the evil formatting*

July 26 2003
Just trying to fix some things. The guestbook should be up and running later tonight, and I hope to be able to add some more fics and links today. I've also had over 150 hits - less than 24 hours after opening! Wow!
Thank you everyone who have visited and emailed me!

July 25 2003
Waaaaai!!! Site up and almost running! Some minor things to fix a little here and there, but it's mostly okay. I've sent out the notice to people too. Many millions of tons of thanks to Myka for helping me with this! *bows deeply*
It feels a bit strange to think that I've got a place of my own now when seems to be a bit down again, and doesn't have the NC-17 rating... I hope that I can keep this place going and keep on writing and updating as much as possible.
