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Shaman MTV

Shaman MTV Hello! Welcome to Shaman MTV, a lame-o site that I decided to make so people could watch my Shaman King music videos..... Isn't it lame? Thats cuz I'm lazy. Okay, that has no relation whatsoever... O_o Oh well! 'Nyways, look around and watch all you want.... Click on the links to go the page where you want to download. ^-^ Enjoy! And please sign my guestbook, if you want to comment on the music videos or suggest music videos, which characters should be involved and what kind of song/what song.

Updates: (August 25)

Actually, this is not really an update, but..... I finally decided on a song for Horo-Horo-chan! ^-^ "Unwell" by Matchbox 20. Right? Doesn't it match him percetly? "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell...." I got this idea after listening to the song everyday. It kept playing on the radio everytime I came home from school, just DYING for me to make an MV of Horo. Thanks Radio! Okay, that was weird. O.o >.<
So, at maximum, I'll probably have that MV up in two weeks.... I'm still downloading Horo-centered eps.... By the way, many asked me where I downloaded eps... Well, in truth, my twin sister in America(well I call her my twin sister but she isn't really) sends me eps when I need 'em and I just download 'em! I dunno how she does it... She's a genius! Genius I tell you!
Lastly, I decided on an Horo/Ren MV! "Stuck" by Stacey Orrico: "I can't take it(what am I waiting for).... My heart's still breaking(I miss you even more), and I can't TAKE it, the way I could before... I hate you, but I love you, I can't stop THINKIN' of you... It's true.... I'm stuck on you...." It may sound sappy, but its pretty fast and upbeat. Just PERFECT! I got this also when I heard it on the radio. My conscience was screaming at me "That's the PERFECT Horo/Ren song! Perfect! Perfect! Just use them already!"
But i didn't know the title of the song O.o, so I searched on the internet, using the lyrics "I can't take it, etc." Bceause that's the only thing I memorized and voila! I found the song, downloaded it and am going to download more Horo/Ren eps. But I'll probably do horo's first.... So the Horo/Ren might come in a month or so. ^-^ Gomen!

Shaman King MTV’s aims:

-To let other Shaman King fans see music videos of Shaman King

-To know what those people think about the music videos

-To help people experience the wonders of specific Shaman King characters.

Okay? So please sign! PLEASE! Onegai, I’m BEGGING YOU!

And lastly, please do not take my music videos. You may download them for personal use, but please do not post them on a site and claim that they are yours. I swear, I WILL track you down if you do that, and I'll sick my internet police dog(LOL) against you, making your life a living (insert word here). I am serious.

Crawling - Ren

Somewhere I Belong - Lyserg

Brother my brother - Yoh and Hao

Butterfly - Anna and Yoh

I'll be There for You - Manta and Yoh

Just the Two of Us - Hao and Opacho

In the End - Asakura Hao

Other MV's

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Shaman King. Hiroyuki Takei-sama does, and we must all bow down to him and thank him for his creation. I also do not own any songs played in any of the music videos. They belong to their rightful owners, none of which include me. This is a non-profit site. I am not earning anything from it. Nothing else is mine except the music videos themselves, which took me hours to make for each one. Please don't steal any.

Wanna link me? Then put this banner/code thingie(sorry if it sucks), the one below. Please save it to your server. Bandwidth is a valuable thing that I lack, and that is why my site keeps getting suspended. O_o T_T