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This page is filled with useless and useful stuff about me. Yay for you. Now just sit back and take some time to completely bore yourself. If you're having trouble sleeping, this site will help you get to sleep faster. Yay!

Pheer the all powaful BOREDOM!

Name: Aiko Yamada
Age: 15
Height: Uh...
Weight: O.O
Hair color: Red
Hair length: Just above my shoulders
Skin color: Light tan/pale
Freckles: yes
Eye color: Green-blue hazel

Personality: Kind yet somewhat harsh at times. Is patient and calm. Doesn't talk much about self openly to others unless they are close friends or family. Can be funny at times, and also serious when need be. Laughs and smiles a lot. Smiling sometimes covers true feelings hidden beneath.
Likes: Anime/Manga, reading fanfiction, oriental foods, night-time, finding someone that I can share my interests with.
Dislikes: Hypocrits, liars, people that use others, onions, brussel sprouts, Hilary Duff, Eminem, and Bill Clinton.
Sports I'm Good At: Volleyball, Swimming, Track, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, and Dodgeball.
Favorite Subject in School: Art classes and Biology
Favorite Food: Cheescake and Pumpkin pie
Favorite Singer: Kelly Clarkson
Favorite Band: S Club
Favorite Animal: Wolf

Do you have a Crush? no
Do you crush on Anime characters? ...yes
What are you afraid of? None of your business :p
Have you ever smoked? hell no!
Have you ever broken the law? yea
Have you ever been in love? once, and it broke my heart
Do you like being around others? Sometimes, mostly I like being alone.

I married Ken ^__~

So, bored yet? What?! You're not?! Well, I guess that's good...I'll add more to this page in due time. For now, that's all!