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Nicki-chan's Blog
Sunday, 3 August 2003

ok. I'm gonna try allllll the blogs and this one is 2nd on my list so here we go ^^. Well, the only thing going on right now in my life is complete and absaloute BOREDOM. yup. Never go on the internet on Sundays... its pretty much sucidal. I wonder if anyone will get on all day. Well of course SOME ppl r on but not the ppl that I ACTUALLY like to talk to like all the ppl on msn msg and the ppl I know from real life and yeah the ppl that actualy have somewhat of an intallect and of course my pupils (I'm teaching 2 ppl japanese or at least what I know of it ^^). *big sigh* well then looks like all thats left to do is go on neopets or or or or or work on my website both rather boring and bleak necisities that I'd have to get around to at some point or another. Maybe I'll go to a chat room I don't know I just hope I find something to do... I can't wait till my mom lets me use the television so I can watch .hack//sign I recorded it because I was wayyyy to spaced out by midnight to actually remember anything that happened in it. OK this REALLY TRULLY beats a diary that u have to hand write everything in. it doesn't exactly have alot of special features but ya know it works.
I'm slowing ebbing off from being completely and utterly devoted to the all american rejects and back onto my insane and pure love of anime that goes wayyy out of what my other friends dovote to it. I cna't wait till FLCL starts I've only seen the first episode of it and I really want to know what happens next and then of course Blue Gender starts aswell and thats gonna b cool cuase I haven't had a late night anime that will go on for awhile (FLCL is a rather short series its like 6 episodes or something) so yeah I can't wait for that. And of course my beyblade fix has to be SOMEWHERE in the mix soooo I'm totally completely and utterly psyched that Beyblade V-Force is coming on Saturday. Me and the anime group at school r addicted and devoted to beyblade, ruoruni kenshin and yu gi oh some ppl have more experiance in certain areas then other ppl (just like y I hvae nooooo experiance in yu gi oh ^^U I lost every single game I played I lost allll my cards but since we're all really tight friends they gave my cards back to me thank god (otherwise I'd really have been in deep shit when I had to use another 20 bucks to get a decent amount of yu gi oh cards ^^U)) wow how in the world did I get from making a blog to beyblade ^^U geez looks like I had more to say then I though holy crap... oh well
I'll post more later but I think my fingers will fall off if I post more now. plus iI'm expecting a phone call from a bitch named kitten who happens to have some major appologizing to do if she ever wants to talk to me or abuse me or use any of my anime stuff and yes kitten that does include everything form my knowledge of anime to my anime magazines to my posters. and I'm very hungry I think that I might actually have an appiatate to rival Miaka's from Fushigi Yuugi ^^U (however pathetic that may be) so yeah ttyl

Posted by anime5/shanasei at 10:12 AM PDT
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