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Character Bios

Ryu- Ryu was a young orphen child, picked up by a Shotokan karate master known as Gouken. Gouken Taught Ryu the arts of the Shotokan for many years. Gouken wanted to test out his pupil's progress by making him take part in the Street Fighter tournament. After a successful record as a street fighter, Ryu returned to his dojo to find a dead Gouken. Ryu now travels the world and constantly fights to follow the path of a true warrior

Ken Masters- Ken is a rich kid for California. Ken was extremely arrogant and a handful. He became to much for his parents. For discipline, Ken's father sent Ken to Gouken for Karate trainning(Ken's father was hoping it would work alot like boot camp). Ken met Ryu there, and ever since then, he had become Ryu's best friend and eternal rival. Ken is the US karate champ, but still loves to travel around the world for worthy street fights.

Chun Li- Chun Li is the daughter of Hong Kong's police cheif, Dorai. Dorai is also the master at a karate temple, and taught Chun Li martial arts since the day she could walk. Chun Li wants to follow in her father's foot steps by protecting those that cannot protect themselves.

Cammy- Cammy is a deadly assassin. Cammy at one time worked for an evil organization known as Shadowlaw, ran by M.Bison. Cammy cannot remember her past. She only uses her combat specialties for hire now. But she also lives by a strict code of honor. If she is hired to do a job, she will do it with her own hands.

Dan- Dan was the son of a martial artist. His father had joined the street fighter tournament. His father made it to the finals against Sagat. Dan's father was killed in the battle. As an act of revenge, Dan seeked out the Shotokan master, Gouken. Having past martial art experience, Dan picked up the style well. But his motive for revenge was to evil. Gouken refused to finish his trainning. Dan was kicked out of the school. Dan continued to train himself, and plans to someday face the Muay Thai Legend, Sagat.

Sakura- Sakura is a young Japanese school girl. Sakura always had a scense of adventure. One day, on her way home from school, she sees Ryu fight a group of criminals. Sakura became very interested in the life of a Street Fighter after that incedent. Sakura trained herself by competing in street fights herself. Sakura hopes to one day fight against Ryu, and win.

Sagat- Sagat is a Muay Thai legend. Sagat was once considered to be the best fighter in the whole world, but was defeated by Ryu in the first Street Fighter( he barely lost). With this in mind, Sagat trains daily, to one day have a rematch against Ryu.

Fei Long- Fei Long is a famous Chinese action movie star. Fei Long was trained by Chun Li's father, and is considered to be Dorai's best pupil ever(excluding Chun Li). Fei Long gets bored of fighting against stuntman, as they put up no challenge. Fei Long one day fights Ken Masters. Ken Masters gives him the fight to remember. The fight is never finished. Fei Long hopes to someday finish his fight against Ken Masters.

Guile- Guile is an Air Force Luitenant. Guile has been on the trail of M.Bison and Shadowlaw for a few years. Guile is the best soldier the Air force has.

M.Bison- M.Bison is an insanely strong bad dude! M.Bison has a special power known as the Psycho power. He is the leader of Shadowlaw. Bison plans to take over the world. Bison looks for worthy fighters for Shadowlaw, as he plans to create a team of super fighters! He can do this by giving them psycho power. But for exchange for alot more power, they become completely under Bison's control.

Akuma- Akuma is bad ass, like Bison. Akuma is very strong, and a master of Shotokan. Akuma took Shotokan to another level, by mastering the "deadly arts". Akuma is consumed in his own darkness, and lives on a remote island, waiting for worthy opponents. Akuma killed Ryu's and Ken's master, Gouken.

Vega- Vega is a bull fighter in Spain during the day, and a cage fighter by night. Vega wears a mask to protect his beautiful face. Vega also has a claw that is clamped to his right hand for fighting. Vega sees art of killing, the most beautiful thing in the world, next to women.

SNK Characters

Terry Bogard- Terry Bogard was found as an infant on the streets by a martial artist known as Jeff Bogard(I dont think Terry's real name was ever mentioned). Jeff Bogard adopted Terry, and another stranded boy, named Andy. Jeff Bogard was a master of the Hakyokusaken martial art style. Jeff wanted to pass on the art to his adopted sons, Terry and Andy. Jeff was killed by Geese Howard before he could teach them. Jeff's mentor took over their training. Jeff managed to stay and learn the Hakyokusaken style, while Andy learned a different style. Terry Bogard is your typical hero, traveling the world, in search of a better fight.

Andy Bogard- Andy Bogard is Terry's brother. Andy Bogard moved to Japan after their father's murder. He learned the Kopoken style, under the sensei, Hanzo. While being taught under Hanzo, he met his grand daughter, Mai. Mai and Andy have strong feelings for one another, though Andy doesn't show it too openly. Andy's best friend is Joe Higashi, a kick boxing champion.

Joe Higashi- Joe Higashi is a kick boxing champ. Joe is extremely arrogant, and loves a good fight. Joe is also pretty very down to earth though. He is best friends with Andy Bogard, and constantly trains with him. Joe usually joins Andy Bogard to travel around the world.
Mai Shiranui- Mai is Andy's girl-friend, in a weird sort of way. Mai is deeply in love with Andy, and knows he loves her just as much, even if he doesn't show it well. Mai is the grand daughter of Andy's mentor, Hanzo.

Geese Howard- Geese Howard is the fighter that killed Terry and Andy's father, Jeff. Geese is a ruthless bad dude, and extremely strong. He has a half brother named Wolfgang Krauser, who is known to be just as strong as he is!

Wolfgang Krauser- Krauser is Geese's half brother. Krauser killed his own father when he was a teen, and is basically head of the family name. Krauser is a strong fighter, and ruthless.

Kyo Kusanagi- Kyo is part of a clan known as the Kusanagi(hence forth, his last name) who are masters of a deadly martial art known as Magatama. Kyo can basically manipulate fire during battle. Kyo's father was killed in a tournament, and Kusanagi is out for revenge.

Iori Yagami- Iori is part of the Yagami clan. Iori practices the same art as Kyo. Iori's clan has been Kyo's rival clan for many years. Iori's hatred for Kyo is fueled by their family history. Though, why Iori hates Kyo specifically is still a mystery. Kyo's flame is purple, sa-weet!