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My Role-Playing Characters

The following descriptions are the characters I use for role-playing. I do alot of RPing on Neopets (my username is selphie_4eva if you wanna RP with me!!)

I do Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and almost every kind of RP you can think of (Yu-Gi-Oh is my most favourite to do!!!)

So, I hope you enjoy meeting my RP cahacters, and more importantly, RPing with them!!


I mostly RP with original Yu-Gi-Oh characters, (Joey and Serenity Wheeler inparticular) but here are some of my made-ups.

Severity Wheeler

The twin sister of Serenity Wheeler. She and Serenity were both born with eye problems. Serenity was born with an eye disease that meant she could possibly go blind in the future, where as Severity was born blind in her right eye. While in hospital, one day after being born, Severity was snatched by theives (some servants of Yami Bakura's) and was raised as a theif and harnesser of dark magic, used to channel shadow magic to Bakura's other servants. She left Bakura's service t the age of 12, after finding out she had a real family. She vowed to find them, but she is still infused with shadow magic, making her personality dark and mysterious, and leaving her sould tormented with dark magic. All she knows of her family is that she has a brother, sister and obviously, her parents. After leaving the service of Bakura, and failing to find her family, she was taken in by the same orphanage that Seto and Mokuba. She and the brothers became friends, until the two boys were adopted by Gosuburu Kaiba. After living in the orphanage by herself for a while, the dark powers inside her bacame restless and she ran away; her goal to find her real family, but also, to torment more souls with her shadow powers, which is something she enjoys doing. On the present day, Severity still continues to search for her family, and still relishes putting other's spirits through pain. She still opposes the Pharoah (Yami Yugi) as she has all her life, and is even considering rejoining Bakura's forces. Severity has hazel eyes, long braided brown hair and she dresses very darkly, but most importantly, always keepes her right eye covered. She is cruel, spiteful and, all in all, NOT the kind of person that you want to know!
