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Character Bios
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This is the Evil character Bio Section.

Name: Rage

Height: 5'6"

Amulet: Dragon Amulet of Shadow Flames

Weapon: Spiked Sword -a buly sword with spikes coming from it.

~Living his life as Syn's right-handman and the most powerful of he group~

Name: Scale

Height: 5'5"

Amulet: Dragon Amulet of Demon Ice

Weapon: Demon Sword-an average sword for advanced demons that can tansform into a shield as well.

~Known as the loner of the group, he is quick to jump into battle without thining out a strategy.~

Name: Snake

Height: 6'3"

Amulet: Dragon Amulet of Earth's Darkness

Weapon: Fists -he has the strength to punch a hole in pure titanium steel.

~He is the strong silenttype but he won't hesitate to punch your lights out if you get in his face.~

Name: Mercy

Height: 5'4"

Amulet: Dragon Amulet of Killing Winds

Weapon: Aerora-a long yet light scimitar that has an extremely sharp and durable blade.

~Don't let her name fool you, she is the most ruthless of the group and could even put up a decent battle of wits against Syn himself.~

Name: Syn

Height: Ranges from 6'0" to 8'0".Amulet: Amulet of ultimate Evil that he inherited from his father

Weapon: Syn's left arm can transform into any type of weapon that he wishes.

~The biggest mistake you could make when fighting Syn is under estimating him. Just when you think you have him he shows you a new depth to his power. Syn's aging process is far slower than that of either of his creations, Syn is far over 700 years old but holds the image of a 30 year old Human.~

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