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Rickymaru's Bio

Name: Rickymaru Azuma

Nickname: Ricky

Age: 26

Birthday: Unknown

Height: 6 Foot 1 Inches

Weight: 190Lbs

Weapon: His fists, however there is a special piece of steel under and between the wrappings of his palm to allow him to stop swords. Though it is useless after so many stops.

Sword: Made up of an alloy which he's been able to make using special metals and other various materials. A razor sharp katana to be exact. Blade green and yet it seemed to sparkle with some form of magic.

Misc: Upon his thigh was a holster where several shuriken throwing knives sat in wait, all hand forged by Ricky.

Fighting Style: Various Ninjutsu's

Blood Type: O+

Sign: Unknown

Rickymaru Azuma, as some knew him, was dressed up rather nicely. A light white shirt adorn his upper body, overly long sleeves with holes cut in the wrist for his thumbs. His hair was tied back with a black ribbon, two locks of platinum hair falling over his face. His eyes glew rather openly, the usual cold manner which they held was gone for once. He wore leather gloves, rather then bandages which his finger tips extended from, obvious he'd cut the fingers off for comfort. His trousers weren't so baggy as they normally were, they seemed to actually fit him much better then normal, still black but an improvement. He still carried his weapons, though he did look much nicer then usual. His boots would click along the ground slowly, polished black, seeming expensive, though quite the opposite-The bargain shopper Ricky was.