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Sal's SC guide

             Welcome to the Southern cross world. This site was created in hopes of guiding along those of you looking to get started into the SC world. But what is the SC world you might ask? The game itself is a MUCK based in the Final Fantasy world, 1000 years after the game story of Final Fantasy 7.  To learn more, I'd suggest checking the main site by clicking here. Now, some of this information might seem redundant, but after helping out so many new people, they tend to find the main page to be somewhat of a large experience. So many rules, so many things to go over. Of course, you will need to look over the main SC page for the theme and lifestyle for things, but this site is mainly to help the new guys looking to get themselves started off in this world.

                        So,  lets get started. There will be more topics to look over as we go along, but for now, here's what I have available to you all.

                                                       -      Fighter's Guide!

                                                       -      What's the current situation?

                                                       -      Link to the Chargen page on the SC main site!

                                                       -       Commonly asked questions

                                                       -       Making backgrounds!

Final Fantasy is copyright Squaresoft.  Southern Cross is copyright Nuku Valente
Contact Salandras at