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                          About Me


Name:  Laura Elizabeth Holbrook    

Age: 16                                                                                                                         

Nicknames: Ayu-chan, Toaster, Lizzie, Pip-squeak

Pets: 1 cat::  Obi,  2 dogs:: Kitty and Rufus

Interests:  Anime, Drawing, Manga, Games, Animation, Art ect...

Marital Status: Taken and damn proud of it!

Location: South Dakota, USA

Likes: Too many to name rudeness, dishes, spiders, and stuck-up people!

Dislikes: L337 speak, Any type of rap, rudeness, dishes, spiders, and stuck-up people!

Siblings: Jessica - 18, James - 17, Cassy - 8, Collin - 6



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