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Sadie and Sampsons Web page

Famous Television Basset Hounds

Basset Clubs on The Web

Fort DearBorn Basset hound Club
The Basset Hound Club of America
Basset Hound Club of Sacramento
Basset Hound Club of Greater Houston

Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds have sad faces and loveable personalities

The Basset Hound is one of the best dogs available for a family to love. They are extremely tolerant and love everyone in the family equally. They are a very gentle, sweet, loyal and affectionate breed, although they are quite stubborn at times. They get along well with other pets of various species. They are not an aggressive watchdog but will learn to give a deep bark as a warning if praised when sounding off. Otherwise, they will accept visitors with a sniff and return to a favorite corner. The Basset Hound is a versatile pet who will play with children, make a skilled hunter, and sit by their owner's side during quiet times.

*Average lifespan of a Bassett is 10-12 years

*Average male height is 12 -15 inches

*Average male weight 50 – 65 pounds (females are usually about 10 pounds lighter and 1 inch or so shorter then the male.)

Be prepared

Be prepared for anything with a Bassett

Perhaps some bassets are loafers, but I've never met them. Nearly all bassets are active, busy dogs who get into trouble regularly. Many chew and are destructive. Others regularly overturn garbage pails and shred paper. And, of course, any food within basset reach (and they're a long dog who can reach quite far up on a kitchen counter when motivated to do so) is fair game. Be prepared for anything with a basset!

Some things Sadie

Some things sadie has stolen or destroyed


*news papers

*sun glasses


Bassett Hound Day at Carmel Beach 04/04/04

Dog Pile on Sampson!!!!

Hi My name is Sadie and this is my friend Samspon. Thank you for visiting our page at Please come back and visit us again!
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