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The truth... What is the truth? Memories of a forgotten past? Or memories of the world you live in.

When I first came here to the lonely inn. I held nothing but for a simple sword and a sheild.. I had lost all memories of my past..

I was not sure what I was seeking but knew I did not feel whole inside.. Until one day everything was revealed to me.. I was fighting with a woman named Alta Nova... She had defeated me and made me her mark.. But in my defeat her slave Gwendaline removed the curse and seal which had held my memories.

I remembered everything or so it seemed as the memories of my past rushed forth. I remember the mage Novaica who did this to me.. I also remember the battle which I met him in.. But mostly I remembered my lost friends..

I remember how I was strong and how I had asked my uncle for advice when I discovered the dark plot of the mage which would cost my king his life and me everything..

My uncle said I could do nothing Novaica was too powerful.. He beg me not to go.. But I did anyways.. When I arrived at the castle of Zalin.. My home I saw a battle taken place.. The kingdom own army had turned upon it's own kingdom and it swords against the royal court..

I remember fighting my way through my once friends and reaching my lord.. Only for him and I to be taken from the castle and before the mage through so magically means.. There I saw my lord fall and there is where my adventure begun.

I remember yelling at the mage and protesting unwilling to believe my lord slain by a such a man. "Novaica how could you? Your heartless." I remember the mages words which seem to be burned into my very soul. "Young Battousai he had to die just like you shall die or become my slave."

I would never be a slave not to man like him.. I wouldn't allow it and I couldn't allow my lords death to be vein.. So I drew my blade and summon all my courage and darted towards the mage.. "Ahgrrr.." I remember screaming when the firey spell slammed into me... I thought everything was over at that monment my body it lay crumped nearly against a wall. The mage luaghed he thought he had won..

But his luaghter only fueled the demons inside my soul. I found the strength to stand through my rage and drive my sword into his black chest.. But As I did so.. He uttered a few words and cursed my mind and very soul stripping me of the man I once was..

I awoke in an old man cabin that man called me Ryuki and told me if I sought to free myself and be whole again.. I would need to travel the world and seek out those who could help.. I left Zalin without knowing anymore than that without never knowing who I truely was..

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