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                           About Me





Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 143
Eyes: Blue/Green/Brown (depends on the day)
Hair: Brown

Status: taken, sorry ladies
Occupation: student at CSU, Fresno
Major: Changing. Was Computer Science, now thinking Linguistics or Culinary
Location: Fresno, CA


Favorite Soda: Mountain Dew 

Favorite food: Chinese, Pasta

Favorite Bands and Artists: Hoobastank, StainD, Switchfoot, Hikaru Utada

Favorite pastime: video games

Favorite game: Breath of Fire 3

Favorite anime: .HACK//SIGN

Favorite quote: Speak softly and carry a big stick


That's about all there is to know I think,

questions or comments? Email me!


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