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Konnichi wa!

Hey all you have now entered the Eternal, magical,Harry potterishy, animeish,Outstanding,thoughtless, and STRAnge and unproductiveness of Cashel's Life....Cashel's life..Cashel's life...Cashel's life....Cashel's...*echoes* Kewl! I like echo effects! effects..effects..effects...(Echo) Me: yeah! Well anyways...I shall write in here all the thoughtless moments in my life! Which trust me there are MANY!!!!

Updates Hi all!Thank you Snow Angel for makeing this layout! You have great designs! to tell you this is my REAL TRUE BLUE ^o^ Blog! I Loved this one so much more!By the way this being my blog it's Top offense but, my life isn't exactly what you would call interesting... Duo: Not interesting?!!!O.O;? Yeah duo thats what i said...not interesting..don't you sometimes feel like your talking to a brick wall? Anyways.... Duo:Notinterestinnotinterestingnotinteresting... Yeah Duo..thats what i said...Do I need to repeat..Now will you go away or do I have to get Yami in here to remove you? Duo:*still not moving*interestingnotinteresting... Me:^^; riggghhhhhttttt...well, anyways so I was going to this store one day when.... Sakura: What?! Not intersting! You call your LIFE not interesting? FOR GODS SAKE! YES OKAY NOW GO AWAY! FRIGGEN LORD!!!!GRRrrRRRRRRR! Quatre: i don't get you Cashel-Chan first you say you haate your life thewn you say... Me: let me guess you just had a little chat with Duo? correct? Quatre: your good... Me: whatever..SHUT UP AND GO AWAY! Quatre:;_;....I...think..I'm..gonna..cry! WAHHHhhhhHHHH!!T_T...*sigh* I like you Quatre i really do it's just you and everyone else are being really annoying so get off my case okay...easy? Quatre: get off your case? you want me to do that? Me:yeah,thats all I want you to do..k? Quatre:getoffyourcasegetoffyourcase...*continues* Told you okay so maybe it's a little interesting more strange then interesting well, umm,..... *Josh from AI walks in with Carmen and My best pal Lily-Chan* Lily: Hey Cashel-Chan I was looking for you! Me:looking for me? josh:yeah you! Me: why? Carmen:Were going out for PIZZA!Wanna come? ME:SURE!OKAYMYLIFERULESS!GOTTA GO I GOT A DATE WITH A PEPPORONI LARGE PIZZA! BYIEEEEEEE!!!, Cashel/animewitch/Pepporonilover!!!! P.s. Update sooner or later!^^ I mean you have to finish a pizza at some point right? Josh:Want another? Me:Sure! Waiter:ANDANOTHErandanotherandanotherandanother.... Me:*sigh*Here we go again..^^;.... Fanfics 4/23/03 many are just like some aren't too good... Duo: probably cause none of them have me in em...heh ...heh..heh.. exscuse me! did i ask you? Mom's treachourusvoice: CASHEL GET OFF THE COMPUTER RIGHT NOWW!!!!!!!!!!! NO now she wants me to do Math save me!@__@ Bye, Cashel p.s. Yugi: we feel your pain Cashel-Chan we feel your pain.... 4/24/o3 time:8:04 A.M. I have a BRILLANT idea! I think...okayI haven't told my pals online yet, cause there a bit preoccupied...But, I'll get to it! Reaper:uh-huh? like how your supposed to be working on a ELA project? And you keep saying I'll get to it? SHUT UP!! Well all i'd like you to meet Reaper...My Yami.... Reaper:*plays with Ribon* i can be quite innocent...and other times i can be YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE.... tell me about it... But, anyways I'll see you all later and soon i'll tell you the idea if my friends approve of it! normal 4/23/03 Tell you tomorrow i think i'll get in trouble if i don't get off! BYIE!!! 4/24/03 hi alll! Back on again! man, no math last night instead i had to camelot! Yugi:KEWWL!!*_* the Cartoon one? no Yugi the normal and boring one...actually it had Richard Hariis in it who played Dumbeldore in HP! I thought that was pretty KEWL!!!^o^! Tristan:wheres he now? in Florida? NO TRISTAN!! HE's DEAD!!!!!*sighs* I give up on the whole lot of you well, thats my update At 8:15 my pal Allison is coming over so got to go! Later, Cashel!!! p> 6/8/03 Hi all! This is like my third update it has taken me ages to update sorry! Well...I've bewen a bit preoccupied with the MCAS! And...other stuff..Well Only like Onbe more week of school and a half! I'm chatting with DL,Alexi,Sakyu, and some other person who I don't know SN=iNsTaNtPhOeNiX17! I'm very...whats the word...Specific in what i say aren't I! Oh well! It's 6:55 and I'm absolutly pooped! Last game of Soccer for the season was today! How wicked that was! We LOST though...T_T! Oh well, I still had Lily-Chan over! g2g, Cashel_Witch of anime_Mistress of HP_and Lover of Ronald Weasly!

Maruader Info: Anamagi form: Fox Nickname:Cashew,Champ,and sometimes C-shell


All for now!!!