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*insert some picture here for the bottom part of this thing i think, it has to be small...*

Something has happened!
Eternal says, "Hello, and welcome to my petpage place thing!"

My name is ETerNallY_FAerIE the faerie ixi and I welcome you. And just call me Eternal for short. This is the first website my mom ever made. The pictures can be scrolled over, so put your mouse cursor over pictures to see what I have to say about them. And don't copy any of my ideas because they are all copyrighted © to redroses3164 or neopets or if someone else’s art that they made me then it’s © to them.

Notes: Sometimes the images don't show up. Just refresh the page if that happens. Some links open to another window. New layout still being worked on...

My Stories

My Beginning

My story started in a meadow. The sun was shining and the pteri were singing. I was waiting for the perfect "one." The one I can call mom or dad. Then a girl came over and said, 'Hi, I'm redroses3164! I'll take care of u. Don't u worry about it. And I will call u ETerNallY_FAeRiE. Eternal for short.' I followed her to the neopian bank. Wow! She withdrew 200,000 NP. I was thinking, 'What is she thinking taking a whole bunch of NP. Something or someone can steal it.'

We traveled far into the clouds. We entered faerieland. Now I was wondering what she and I were getting into. We both arrived in Faerie City and looked around. She said 'Look for the hidden tower.' Reluctantly, I looked around for it. I pointed and said, 'An Air Faerie said it was somewhere over there.' We looked up.

I could now feel the closeness I was getting into with my mom. Something special. Something from the heart.

We started up and up and we arrived. What a miraculous place to be. So many rare items! The faerie queen came over to us and said, 'Hello, redroses3164! I was wondering when I will see you again. You are quite a visitor here. Not much on shopping though.'

My mom said, 'Yes I know. But now I will purchase something. I am here to buy a faerie paint brush for this cute little ixi over here.' I walked over very quietly and said, 'Hi, I'm ETerNallY_FAeRiE. Just call me Eternal for short. It's a pleasure meeting you.' The faerie queen said, 'Pleasures all mine Eternal.' My mom said, 'May I have the faerie p/b, please your highness?'

The faerie queen said, 'Here you go, and please come again.'

My Markings/Magical Story

It started with my mom (aka. owner) and me going on a mountain trip. We had no experience mountain climbing. We took no lessons. We never got any advice. We didn't know the first thing about mountain climbing. We decided to go anyway.

Well we were climbing fine until it started to snow. Well that snow made it so cold that it froze practically the whole mountain.

As we were climbing higher, I saw my rope was beginning to freeze and break. I was getting nervous and then it finally snapped.

I was falling to my death when out of nowhere Jill caught me. Well the weight of her rope made it snap too and we were falling. We were so high up.

Something appeared right where we were falling. It was something that resembled a bird, a bird of crystal white stars. It caught us and then we fainted.

And then I awoke with Jill near me and we were on the ground without any bruises. I was amazed. It was night and I looked at my fur. There were markings that resembled shooting stars. And as I looked in the sky, there were plenty of shooting stars. I was thinking it would be kewl if they formed my name in the sky. And then all of a sudden the shooting stars formed the word “eternal” in the sky. I now knew I had the ability to control the shooting stars.

And when we went home it was day and my markings were gone. I thought they would stay there but they didn’t. As it turned night the special markings shined brightly again. They were my very special shooting stars markings that only appear at night.

Thank you star bird for saving my life and my mom’s too. Thank you for the special marks of the night. And thanks for the ability to control shooting stars… and other magical essence I haven't figured out yet...

About Me

Nicknames: Eternal, EF

Born on The 26th of the month of Hunting, 2003 (May 26, 2003)

Species - Ixi

Color/Colour - Faerie

Gender - Female

Markings – There are a lot of shootings stars on me. If I told u where they all were, I’d probably make a paragraph.

Jewelry - hoop earrings and a necklace that has a blue stone that says "EF" in black in a diagonal.

Love -*giggles and points at the love section*

Status – 0^-^0

Favorite Stuff

Faerie type: Air Faeries

Song - "Falling" by Keahiwai

Favorite Colors - Crystal White, Darkened Blue, & Light Violet

Number - 26

Game - Any slot game! (I'm not addicted. I'm a... social player! ^-^)

Neopian - The kind Healing Springs Water Faerie

Food - Ultimate burger

Phrase - Time is infinite so there is no time at all...

Overall - Mountain Climbing (The BEST!?!)


Oohh a cute faerie ixi plushie!!!It looks like me.:D But they are sooo expensive… I want one sooo bad though… But my mom said to wait till there are more being sold because everything eventually gets cheaper. Faerie Paint Brushes give you wings!!! Everyone should get one faerie paint brush because they really make neopets look beautiful. Like me. =^) They made me elegant purple and kewl transparent wings. It is so much fun to fly. It's a rainbow swirly thing that goes round and round...This just looks so cool. It keeps swirling and makes me dizzy. It's fun to look at and wear around my neck. A cute cuddly paint brush plushie!!! I wish I could have one of these. :( They must be really cuddly and soft. And it reminds me of the paint brush that gave me my wings. It’s Lil Angelic Bunny!!! I luv her so much. I got her from the advent calendar. And then my mom bought a spotted petpet p/b. Starlight potions are the best! Well what did ya expect? This potion looks so kewl! And of course it has stars so why would i not like it? I luv the look of it! :)

I also love my friends, family, and my eviltoshi.


I don’t like Jhudora! Illusen Rules!!! I don't exactly really dislike the battledome but I think fighting each other is wrong. They are so creepy... Who wants to eat such gross food!!! It's someone's... uh... privacy! It's... what's the word... stinky.

And of course I really hate scammers, hackers, copy & pasters, idea stealers, and art thieves!!! Who really likes these kind of people?


The "owner", #OWNERLOOKUP, is this thing called a "person." She gets real lazy and doesn't like doing anything but doing nothing around and and some other stuff. She loves shopping... and she is some-what mean sometimes but she gets over it eventually. She is most of the time in the chat boards (avatar and neosignature to be exact).

This is HeyDude12345678910, the oldest of the family.

The loner of the family. It's sad. I still luv her as family. She doesn't like me. She doesn’t like her name either so we call her Dudette. She doesn't talk much or go outside or anything really... well her problems not mine I suppose...

This is Runner510, the second oldest in the family.

This stupid brother of mine... His name's RR and he isn't really fond of anything. and um... he hates everyone's guts... He has such a bitter attitude but I've heard you can get some good in him... somehow...

This is Lightning_starlit, the youngest of the family.

Lightning can be a pain. He will jump around in our neohome and ruin the furniture. He's very crazy and odd. He hears voices, probably in his head. He thinks voices will be taking over the world or something like that... weirdo...


Copy later...

Lil Angelic Bunny

So Kawaii!!! Thanks to royalelf for it!!! :D

That's Lil Angelic Bunny! So cute and adorable! She's a spotted snowbunny if u can't tell. Lil Angelic Bunny is the friendly type and fun to play with when my friends and I can’t go somewhere.

And Lil Angelic Bunny even has a snowbunny friend. Her name is Vanilla Ice but Lil Angelic Bunny calls her Vanilla Icy. They kinda look like twins, don't they? Click the picture to visit Vanilla Ice and her owner, Sweet_Vanilla_Frost:

This is Vanilla Ice or preferred as Vanilla Icy.


Copy later...

Fan Art

Fan art!?! Wow! I didn't know I would even get fan art! :) Thankies to all the people who make me fan art. Do u have fant art for me? Then Neomail me and I'd be eternally greatful! :)

Thankies so much! :) It's so cute! :D And u got the markings perfected. *hugglez* Thanks sacgurl89! ^^.

My Shelf

put toy box and awards


Copy later...

Please link me. *looks at u like puppy dog eyes*

Here is my regular link:

ETerNallY_FAeRiE is looking...

And here's my patch:

ETerNallY_FAeRiE is looking...

A Real Small Link:

ETerNallY_FAeRiE is looking...

Or if u like to use words as links:


I Link trade so Neomail me about it.

Everything here is © to redroses3164. That means ideas, pictures, headers, text, etc. only unless someone elses' art as in requests, trades, custom adoptables, etc. Anyone reading this right now please, if you see someone with the same content as this web page, please neomail me before you report them, they might have a reason so neomail first. Thanks!!! :)

Xarico's plushie ~::.The.One.and.Only.Foxixi.::~ Visit me? pinkish... Sweet_Vanilla_Frost the Faerie Ixi!!! Visit Ivorixe's Neoroom! And I'm proud of it. Ryku's Place

If I want something else to be here...

text goes here....

Headers' text