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The Office

Hey all!! Welcome to the Warehouse's Office. This is where you will be able to see all of my updates and anything else that I might add later!! Come and see this often to see what's new on my site!!Thx. ^_~



The first chapter of Shadow Elf is up!!! Yay go me!!


I changed my mind again!! This site, as a result of my thinking, will have anything on it that I want. In other words, this site will have absolutly no purpose!! ^-^ But hey, that's all right with me!! I will be uploading a few of my fics (although in my oppinion they suck) for my friends, and anyone else who stumbles on to this web site...if any one does...


welcome to the office!!


This is the officioa update bord!! hehehe I have decided what I am going to do with this sits, so if you have any fics, e-mail me!! Thx!


Hi there!! School is over!!! Now I can work on my web site lots!! I can make it all pretty now!! (Yes it's late, excuse the behavior) I've just added the movies section. Soon it will have all of the cool movies in it, and my personal thoughts on them. Oh ya, they will most likely be the ones that have recently come out, so sorry, if there's a specific one that is really old that you want to see, it's probably not going to be there. Lata!!


I do believe i updated sometime in this month...but I'm not sure. You should check out some of my pages though, they are kinda random, yet strangely funny...oops!