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My Rp Characters
Sunday, 23 May 2004
Wolfs Rain
Saina: appears to be around the age of 19 or 20. She may sometimes rely on human weaponry but never on her own kind, she considers that dishonoring. Currently, she has no pack to wander with but is out on a search for paradise. Something at the edge of her instincts tell her thats its there, even though her mind tells her its just a fairy-tale. Saina was raised as a pup from a rich human family had grown to hate them after she found out they were hiring hunters to kill her kind. (Wolf Version: Human Version: )

Posted by anime5/rae_chan at 2:38 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 May 2004 2:40 PM EDT
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Friday, 7 November 2003
Rina: (Trigun) Rina- (go here for her picture: ) (age: 22) When she was young, her parents were killed by a bank robbery. She was taken in by her grandparents who later died of old age when she was 14. From there she worked part time on a sand-steamer. A few months after she got the job, bandits came and raided the steamer of their goods and left it out in the middle of nowhere with her and all the passengers in it. Rina had to go out and find help and when she did she was paid.. alot for it. In addition, she became a bounty hunter at the age 19 and started doing jobs for townsfolk; getting rid of any pests. Shes equipped with 2 sub-machine guns and a custom made handgun. Her bad habit is drinking too much alchohol and muffins at the same time. (i had to put that in there lol)

Posted by anime5/rae_chan at 2:15 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 15 February 2004 9:37 PM EST
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(Yu Yu Hakusho) -
Melena: (appears to be 15 or 16, ask me for her picture) She is an ice apparition with enhanced skills, usually her kind cannot stand fierce weather conditions but her training has proven that can be overcome. Mel, for short, works with the Spirit World to eliminate any demons unauthorized to the human world. Koenma ordered her to go under-cover in that realm, to see if she can detect any threats there.. that is her current mission. (Note: Mel goes to Yusuke's school)

Posted by anime5/rae_chan at 2:13 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 29 May 2004 12:31 AM EDT
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Hikari: she is a half-dog demon. (age: 16) (ask me for her picture ) Her eyes are red only when shes angry, but they are usually dark violet. Shes equipped with a Katana (japanese sword) and uses her claws if her katana is broken or needs fixing. She wears a black kimono with silver dragon designs on it. Right after she was born her mother (was the human side) died, she was then taken in by her father (the demon side). He trained her and taught her everything, but in the end she was still pretty weak compared to him even at age 16. Kai (her father) plotted against her and tried to kill her countless times but to no avail, he hated her halfbreed blood. Hikari gained some help from an old mountain witch named Reika, she used her magic to imprison Kai into a sacred mountain off to the west. Hikari fears that one day he would break lose of the spell... Theres another side to this, one day while the young halfbreed was out, a figure in a white baboon pelt swooped past her holding 5 jewel shards. Those shards belonged to Reika, and you can guess what happened to her...

Posted by anime5/rae_chan at 2:12 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2004 11:31 AM EDT
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(DB Z/GT)-
Rei: (go here for her picture: ) she is a genetically engineered half-saiyan, created by Dr. Gero. He took DNA samples from Goku and a human. Dr. Gero had forgotten about her while he was starting on Android 17 and 18. Right before his lab was destroyed, Rei's pod that she was in dispatched and landed in a outside of a small house, south of West City. (she was in an adult form when she was found, like android 17 and 18..) The people that lived in the house took her in and she goes to Orange Star High. Since she was not completed by Dr. Gero her memory of him is partial. Rei only knows that she isn't all human and that Dr. Gero was her creator. Her purpose of killing Goku was never known to her. (shes about 16 now)

Posted by anime5/rae_chan at 2:11 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 29 May 2004 12:32 AM EDT
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