Episode 1 The Legendary Warrior! Pigman of the Pigs!

Episode 2 Pigman of Got Ham City! Battle in the Bank!

Episode 3 Don't Allow Torturing! Escape of Pigman!

Episode 4 My Punch is Painful! The Mighty Fighter Pigman!

Episode 5 Moose Power Shaking the Ground- Moose Boy!

Episode 6 The Semidynamic Dou vs. The Flying SHadow!

Episode 7 Training Mansion in Silicon Valley! The Training Methods of the Gaint Radioactive Chipmunk!

Episode 8 Save Everyone! Win Pigman!

Episode 9 The Dub is the Enemy! The unbearably Bad Dub!

Episode 10 Pigman out of control? Pigman's Hostile Takeover!

Episode 11 Legendary Turkey Runs Wild!

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Episode 1 Pigemon, I Choose You!

Episode 2 Pigemon Emergancy!

Episode 3 Ass cans a Pigemon!

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The Pigman RPG Information

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The Pigman Card Game is Up!But ironicly I ran out of room on my site!



I tried downloading SmartFTP, but when it got to downloadin smartftp.exe it said it couldn't find the file, so if my loyal readers know how to fix such a problem, e-mail me. Also, we've got a new feature here: a poll! SInce I'm too lazy to make one, to vote just e-mail me.(The poll is at the botom.)


Pigman is moving to a new website soon: Also, I've been trying to work on Mystery Pigman Theartre 3000, but I'm very very lasy. As it turns out, MPT3k takes even more work than Pigemon, but the bulk of the work is transcribing the show I'm MSTing. So, if you have a script for Digimon Season 4 episode 1 "All Aboard", know where I can find one, or are willing to transcribe one, please tell me, as it will speed up the process of writing MPT3k by months, if not a whole year. Also, If ypu're interested in the Pigman RPG, e-mail me your class, race(Hunman, elf, dwarf, half-elf, half-orc, hobbit, or jawa(if yoou requeast another race it can be worked out), and character name, I'll send back specifics you need to fill in(such as abilities, cusomization slots, spell/power/force power/ selcetion, and/or pigemon). Also, the dreanged hermit class has been replaced by the Hobo class.


Sorry, I made a typo, the card game works now.The Pigman CG is up Change the S-0001 part to see different cards. Cards Go S-0001 to S-0060.(I.E. )Cards and the rules will be uploaded as computer diffculties allow.RULES. I ran out of room on my site, so I can't upload S-0042 through S-0060. If any of you faithful readers of Pigman have websites and extra space on them, I can E-mail you the rest of the cards so you can upload them.


The Pigman Rpg is up kinda. More will be added throughout the day.


More episodes are up now, and more will be added soon. I'll also start uploading Pigemon soon and scan in the episodes I'm missing. I also added the coming soon section. Also, I've started work on the Pigman RPG, which will be done by tomorrow probably. This RPG will take place in MSN instant messanger, so if you don't have it, download it.(I only have MSN and AOL, and I can't use AOL at all, and I don't have a messageboard, so MSN's the only option. This is also where card games and Super Smash Pigman Melee will take place.)For the simplicity of keeping RPG, Card Game, and Super Smash Pigman Melee, soon everyone will receive their own page whose links will take them direclty to their own accounts, making eveything simplier for me. So, to set it up, E-mail me. I know I wrote the address in Micheal, Jesse, and Gerrit's yearbooks, and gave Timothy the link in MSN, that leaves Jacob and Forest as the only frequint readers of Pigman who don't know about this site, so if you guys see them give them the link.


The website up now. Content will be added later today, check back soon


What would you like to see me finish next?

Episode 3 of Pigemon

Episode 1 of Mystery Pigman theater 3000

The Otaku Dubby Class for the Pigman RPG

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