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~|Holy Orders|~

Name: Lemuel Guan Xi
Age: 25
Height: 5'6'
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue


Lemuel is originally from Normandy (France), the son of, Jacques Doutre, a high ranking official. His parents and older brother were brutally murdered in front of him when he was about 13 years old in a coup de etat. Lemuel survived the attack by hiding under a pile of broken furniture and watching the rebels slit their throats without making a sound. In order to escape death he, with the help of a woman whose name he never knew, stowed away on a boat headed for the orient. Lemuel ended up in Canton China after being sold as a "servant" about four times after landing in Port. He still believes that it was a holy miracle that he did not remain a slave.

In Canton he was adopted by the local monastery and trained in the ways of the Shaolin Monk. He quickly became proficient in the art of Hung Gar, a type of Kung Fu that can damage an opponent badly or simply reflect attacks away with no damage. Lemuel learned here that damaging an opponent is only necessary at certain times. His Sifu (Master), Guan Xi Fei, pushed him hard to become the best of all the students in the monastery and became so impressed with the skill and passion of the young boy that he named Lemuel his only son. Lemuel took the name Guan Xi as his family name and lived in Canton until he turned nineteen years old.

Temptation hit Lemuel in his twentieth year when he witnessed the splendor and the utter freedom that criminals possesed. After being shown a boat filled to the brim with treasure by a fork tongued man named Bryce, Lemuel made the decision to leave the monastery and become a rogue. He sailed to the Japans with Bryce and became a major part of the guild, going by the handle "Chikara" which means power. He eventually reached the top rung by ousting Bryce and most of his followers in a coup that bore striking resemblence to the one his was exposed to as a child down to the placement of the blood and the method it was drawn. Both of those events still give Lemuel nightmares today.

Lemuel was living it up until his twenty fourth year when he recived word from China that the monastery he trained and was loved in, had been burned to the ground in a raid. Inside of him, something stirred and it was like his conscience had suddenly awakened from a long slumber and cried out in terrible pain. He suddenly knew that the life of a thief and a killer was wrong and that death only brings about death. He risked his life to drop his position as the leader of the guild and run back to China to see his father again and to apologize for his behavior. He found Guan Xi Fei's grave when he reached Canton and cried for four days straight. Fei was old and died peacefully in his sleep not a week before Lemuel returned. Distraught and nearly suicidal, Lemuel left China with the help of a man from Ireland named Marcus Delrith, who gave him passage on a ship headed for the Island country. Lemuel landed with hardly any possessions but his herb seeds and his Guqin (small chinese harp). His first day in Ireland he came upon the Kingdom of Tuatha.

Lemuel's demeanor is usually very friendly but at the wierdest moments he is liable to be seen with an angry look on his face. Recently the memory of his sins has come to plague him and at the strangest times those feelings of guilt will bring a sour expression to his face.

The weapons he used to prize as a cutthroat