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Fan Fiction







Chigau - episode 00 will be up shortly and we have added some more humor .     ~ 07/08/03
Sion - I would like to welcome our first member Apria, the Elven Priestess  ~07/08/03




Ok. Its been a while since I have been able to complain or rant about anything. However, now I have something to say. Something that doesn't have anything to do about video games. This might not do anything to do with anime, but I NEED to bring this to people's attention.

Our School year has ended. And, like always, our year book came out. At the start of the year, I paid $40 (Canadian) for my hard cover year book, and promised myself that I need to get my picture in the year book, then just my stupid student photo. And since I wasn't graduating this year, I couldn't count on my grad photo. So after receiving the book, I scrawled through it in search for any shot of myself. However, after looking through the entire book, after every page carefully viewed, I came to a disappointing conclusion: I WASN'T IN IT!!!!!!

I was no where! Not in any of thoughs pictures about crap and stuff (ya know, the useless ones). Not even in the grade 12 section. And take that literally. My student photo wasn't there! So I decided to look at the graduating section. But not to my surprise, I wasn't in it. But thats understandable because I didn't get it done. But there was a 'Non-Graduating' section of photos.  And guess what.....thats right, I wasn't there.

So I wasn't in the yearbook at all this year. It feels just depressing that I've been forgotten about. So insted of bitchin' and complaining, I've decided to do something more mature. I'm going to screw up my next photos! ^^ For my student photo, I'm putting white face paint on, with red swerls, and dying my hair red! You get 10 points if ya can guess what anime series had something like that. And my graduation photo, one word: SATAN! And yes, I'm very serious about this. Well, thats all I needed to get off my chest for now.

P.s. Oh yes, I hate Kyo.

Blah blah blah schools done.

Blah blah blah I'm unemployed

Blah blah blah I have free time

Blah blah blah good news for OU

Blah blah blah I'm off to university of Guelph in sept

Blah blah blah plenty of interesting things to come I'm sure 

Blah blah blah I didn't want to say much 



This page was last updated on 07/16/03.



Copyright Seon & Chigau