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About the Layout
This layout uses div, css, iframes and tables. It is very easy and customizable. But, you gotta be careful were you edit and such. The picture I used for this layout is from At Pictures. It is from an anime called Digi Charat. Isn't it cute? Anyways, this layout was built mainly for a blog or personal site. I guess you can use it for other type of sites too...

Terms of Usage
1. You must have the copyright of that is on the bottom of the layout at all times.
2. Do not alter or modify the graphics used in this layout in any way without permission first.
3. You may modify any HTML codings used however you see fit.

How to Use this Layout
1. Download the layout and open winzip to extract all of the files and download them into your own server.
2. Open the "menu.html" on any kind of textpad that allows texts to be saved as .html/.htm. Such as Notepad, Textpad or Cutehtml. Edit all of the text between < !-- Begin Main Text -- > < ! -- End Main Text -- > with your own.
3. Open "index.html" on any kind of textpad and edit the links with your own. If you cant find where to edit it, find < ! -- Begin Navigations --> < ! -- End Navigations -->. You can change it into a dropdown menu, textlinks or image links.

Layout Designed and © by: Ere Serene
Site Owned by: Your name here