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Welcome to Okoku Kokoro

1.22.03 -Opening the site and Such...

Neko: Oi minna! Why does this page look crappy? Well I am working on it ... and Anata is better at this then I am. ^-^;;

Anata: Only because I have an easy way out. You actually took the time to learn and _remember_ the html.
Neko: TRY to remember the html x.x
Anata: Ok. Well, I still have a shortcut.
Neko: Evil short cuts that I don't know...
Anata: Well, if you had Netscape Navigator, you would.
Neko: Well it is evil to me.
Anata: *nods* It can be a pain in the butt sometimes. But I get what you're saying.
Neko: Well once again, excuse how crappy this all looks ... hehe ... did you know okoku kokoro is OK? ^-^;;
Anata: ...Eto..
Neko: Well it is!
Anata: Hai. It is.
Neko: Well look around and have fun! Ja!