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:b. e. d. :-: s. h. e. e. t. s:

December 22, 2003
Brrr! It's been so cold! OMG, the year is ending!
We would of never thought this month would come... e_e but it is leaving so fast. Wai...
Oh well, anyway- let me tell you about the opening of this webby.
My friend and I were building this large anime site for your desperate needs, but ...
Our server killed it and thus I shall make Bed Sheets our little anime site for the moment.
You see, Bed Sheets is suppost to be a site about me, Lizette A. :3 Cuz, you know, everybody loves me!
Jessica: *sarcasticly* Yeah, everybody loves you ...
¬_¬ Shut up Jesse...
Jessica: Beh! ... ^_^~ Hello and welcome, enjoy the stay @ Bed Sheets for the time being!

:) my school friend Kim's site! go check it out X3

about us :-: characters :-: neopets
di gi charat :-: galleries :-: recommended animes
site :-: contact us
